76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) (Russian: 76-мм дивизионная пушка обр. 1942 г. (ЗиС-3)) was a Soviet 76.2 mm divisional field gun used during World War II. ZiS was a factory designation and stood for Zavod imeni Stalina ("factory …
2021年7月24日 · The ZiS-3 fires a full range of 76mm cannon shells, including a variety of old Russian and imported rounds. The gun can also use unitary rounds for the 76-mm regimental cannon mod. 1927 with a lower propellant charge.
ZIS-3型76毫米加农炮,由格拉宾火炮设计局设计。 该火炮利用ZIS-2的炮架,加装新炮管,有+45度的射角,同时加装了炮口制退器,可以减少30%的后坐力,加装了垂直半自动锲型锁、液压驻退机、复位机,以及独立开机的GAZ高射炮高低机等。
ZiS-3 (Model 1942) 76mm Anti-Tank (AT) Gun - Military Factory
2022年4月8日 · One of the key pieces of field artillery available to the Soviet Army during World War 2 (1939-1945) was the "76mm (76.2mm) Divisional Gun, M1942" - better known as the "ZiS-3". This caliber weapon would go on to become the standard Soviet anti-tank weapon of the war with production of the ZiS-3 gun series totaling over 100,000 units.
76 mm Divisional Gun M1942 (ZiS-3) Field Gun - WW2DB
The new ZiS-3 field guns soon proved to be better than the pre-war 76-mm gun designs and, with Joseph Stalin's full support, became the standard divisional field guns after a series of tests in Feb 1942.
ZIS-3 - GlobalSecurity.org
On February 12, 1942, the State Defense Committee issued a decree on the adoption of one of the most famous domestic artillery guns - the 76.2-mm ZIS-3 divisional gun designed by factory No. 92...
76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) - Wikiwand
The 76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) was a Soviet 76.2 mm divisional field gun used during World War II. ZiS was a factory designation and stood for Zavod ime...
76mm ZiS-3 - Weaponsystems.net
The ZiS-3 is armed with a long barrel 76.2mm gun with multi-slotted muzzle brake. Compared to the older 76.2mm F-22 the ZiS-3 has a better range, accuracy and penetration.
ZiS-3 (M1942): Photos, History, Specification - tvd.im
One of the key field artillery pieces available to the Soviet Army during World War II (1939-1945) was the "76mm (76.2mm) Division Gun, M1942" - better known as the "ZiS-3".
ZiS-3 Trials - Tank Archives
The 76 mm ZiS-3 divisional gun produced by factory #92 passed trials and can be recommended as a replacement for the mod. 1939 USV gun after: The leak in the return mechanism is resolved.
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