Yue Yao
Yue Yao I am currently a Research Officer at the School of Computing of the Australian National University, working with Prof. Tom Gedeon. Before this role, I completed my PhD at ANU, during which I was fortunate to get supervision from Prof. Tom Gedeon and Prof. Liang Zheng
[2211.01696] An Empirical Bayes Analysis of Object Trajectory ...
2022年11月3日 · View a PDF of the paper titled An Empirical Bayes Analysis of Object Trajectory Representation Models, by Yue Yao and 2 other authors View PDF Abstract: Linear trajectory models provide mathematical advantages to autonomous driving applications such as …
Yao Yue 岳峣 - IOP Systems - LinkedIn
View Yao Yue 岳峣’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Expertise in distributed systems and performance. Straddling the line between software…
- 500+ 连接数
- 位置: IOP Systems
Yue Yao | Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Department
Yue Yao. Doctoral Research Assistant Website. ORCiD. Google Scholars Link. Office 5109 Gates and Hillman Centers Email [email protected] Department Computer Science Department. Research Interests Programming Languages. Thesis Advisor Stephanie Balzer. Computer Science Department ...
Yue Yao - NVIDIA | LinkedIn
2018年6月8日 · Yue Yao Seeking full-time opportunity with MS in Risk Management Data Analyst, Business Analyst, and Financial Advisor. Boston, MA. 38 others named Yue Yao in United States are on LinkedIn ...
- 人脉数: 285
- 位置: NVIDIA
Yue YAO | Doctor of Engineering | China University of Geosciences ...
Yue YAO | Cited by 118 | of China University of Geosciences, Wuhan | Read 6 publications | Contact Yue YAO
Yue Yao - Research Assistant - University of Utah - LinkedIn
View Yue Yao’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
- 职位: University of Utah Ph.D. …
- 位置: University of Utah
- 人脉数: 72
Yue Yao | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Yue Yao received the B.S. degree in electrical computer engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2018, and the M.S. degree in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 2019, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Computer Science Department.
Yue YAO | PhD Student | Bachelor of Engineering - ResearchGate
New research designed to recover the frontal face from a single side-pose facial ima... There is a need to protect the personal identity information in public EEG datasets. However, it is...
Yue YAO | PhD | Monash University (Australia), Melbourne
Yue Yao is currently a PhD candidate at Monash University. His research project is centred on the fabrication of in 3D in vitro models using hydrogels for neural applications.
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