The YPQI Approach - The Forum For Youth Investment
Field-tested. Expert-approved. The Youth Program Quality Improvement (YPQI) approach is a process and related set of tools validated by research evidence reported in the YPQI study.
The Weikart Center - The Forum For Youth Investment
Young people need to feel safe and supported in order to learn and lead. As a crucial part of the Forum’s mission to change the odds that young people are ready for college, work, and life, the Weikart Center helps out-of-school time (OST) systems build the safe, supportive, interactive, and engaging environments that are foundational to youth development.
Understanding the Youth Program Quality Intervention
2021年11月30日 · The Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI) is an effective, research-based approach that is the basis for numerous improvement initiatives in the U.S. and abroad.
The Youth Program Quality Improvement (YPQI) Approach: Implications for Policy and Practice . Background . A substantive body of research demonstrates that programs for young people have a range of
Training Workshops - The Forum For Youth Investment
Youth Work Methods Workshops. Built on more than 50 years of research and practice in positive youth development, these 10 interactive workshops are modeled on the Weikart Center’s pyramid of program quality & designed to give point-of-service …
Quality Assessments to Improve Staff and Organizational Practices
The Organizational Quality Assessment (OQA) is being piloted in 2022-2023 program year for organizations interested in assessing the structural features of programs, such as policies and practices, staff development, and strategies for program improvement.
Online Portal - The Forum For Youth Investment
Where systems converge to support the YPQI. Whether entering self or external assessment data, taking an online course, or delivering a workshop as a TOT graduate, the Online Portal provides access to the systems that make it possible.
The YPQI Process - The Forum For Youth Investment
A process that works. The YPQI process begins with assessment in order to build on youth workers’ existing strengths and identify challenge areas. These areas then go into an improvement plan as goals, wit
2 Send any feedback about this pilot version of the Handbook to [email protected]. •e David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program €uality,
2021年11月11日 · YPI TAB avi P Weiart Center for Youth Program Quality ©2021 The Forum for Youth Investment All rights reserve forumfyi.org