Yorktown Census 2010 Data | Town of Yorktown New York
Population Data Total Population: 36,081 100% Population by race One race 35,424 98.2% White 31,710 87.9% Black or African American 1,191 3.3% American Indian and Alaska Native 52 0.1%
Zoning Board of Appeals | Town of Yorktown New York
NEW BUSINESS MAZZELLA #20/20 Property Address: 2060 Allan Ave. Section 37.18, Black 2, Lot 30 This is an application to allow a building lot with an area of 10,000 s.f. where a minimum of 20,000 s.f. is required as per 300-21 and Appendix A of the Town Zoning Code. This property is located in a R1-10 zone.
Town Board | Town of Yorktown New York
Yorktown New York. Discover Yorktown. Column 1. OUR COMMUNITY; About Yorktown; Town History; Yorktown Museum; Explore Yorktown Map; Yorktown's Farms; A Monarch Butterfly Friendly Town; ... Yorktown's Green Energy Initiatives; Column 3. Schools; Public School Districts; Private Schools; Public Safety; Yorktown Police Department;
Conservation Board | Town of Yorktown New York
Yorktown New York. Discover Yorktown. Column 1. OUR COMMUNITY; About Yorktown; Town History; Yorktown Museum; Explore Yorktown Map; Yorktown's Farms; A Monarch Butterfly Friendly Town; Get Involved; Food Pantries; Places of …
Housing Board | Town of Yorktown New York
Community Housing Board Attn: Ken Belfer 363 Underhill Avenue Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Phone: (914) 962-5722 x435
COVID Vaccine Info & Reminders for this Week | Town of …
From the desk of Supervisor Matt Slater: Residents 65+ who have been unable to secure a vaccination appointment are encouraged to call my office at 914-962-5722 Ext. 200 or email [email protected] to be placed on our waiting list. Please note, that adding your name does not guarantee a vaccine but it does help us streamline the process when we are made aware of vaccination availabilities.
Town Board Regular Meeting | Town of Yorktown New York
Yorktown's Green Energy Initiatives; Column 3. Schools; Public School Districts; Private Schools; Public Safety; Yorktown Police Department; Yorktown Heights Engine Co. #1; Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corp; Mohegan Lake Professional Fire Fighters; Mohegan Volunteer Fire Association; First Responders Resident Alert Registry
Forms, Permits, and Applications | Town of Yorktown New York
Yorktown New York. Discover Yorktown. Column 1. OUR COMMUNITY; About Yorktown; Town History; Yorktown Museum; Explore Yorktown Map; Yorktown's Farms; A Monarch Butterfly Friendly Town; ... Yorktown's Green Energy Initiatives; Column 3. Schools; Public School Districts; Private Schools; Public Safety; Yorktown Police Department;
Clone of Smoke Testing | Town of Yorktown New York
Smoke testing is a method utilized to find potential points of inflow and infiltration (I/I) in the public sanitary sewer system that could lead to high flows during storms and snow melt events. The objective of the Engineering/Sewer Department I/I Reduction Program is to remove storm water sources from the sanitary sewer system, keep wastewater …
Winter Storm Update 2/9 | Town of Yorktown New York
Winter Storm Update from Supervisor Matt Slater: AAA has suspended all trash and recycling pickup for today, Tuesday, February 9th, and will pick it up tomorrow. Please make sure no cars are parked on the street to allow our highway crews to properly treat and plow the roads.