etymology - What are the origins of the regional pronoun “yinz” of ...
2012年5月30日 · A common informal word used in southwestern Pennsylvania and the forefront example of what is commonly known as "Pittsburghese" is the word yinz, pronounced /jɪnz/ in …
Is "yuns" a word? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2022年12月26日 · Since the second half of the 20th cent. the α. forms (especially yinz, yunz) have come to be considered as a defining characteristic of the speech of the inhabitants of …
Did English ever have a "you" plural?
2018年1月25日 · Apart from the dialect form used in the Southern US, "y'all," has English ever had a plural "you"? If not, how does English get around using this form?
Which English dialects have 2nd person plural?
Taken from Wikipedia:. y'all, or you all - southern United States and African American Vernacular English. you guys - U.S., particularly in the Midwest, Northeast, and West Coast; Canada, …
"Guys", "guy’s", or "guys’" (guys’) - English Language & Usage ...
2016年9月23日 · In various regional varieties of English, plural second-person pronouns have developed, such as y'all, yinz, youse, you guys, you lot. But these are not standard formal …
Alternatives to y'all? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2019年1月14日 · The proper New York spelling is Youse. Wikipedia lists this variation as used in NYC and Chicago. In formal English, the second person plural (speaking to more than one …
dialects - Which regions use positive "any more"? - English …
2017年6月6日 · (Yinz is the Pittsburgh equivalent of the Southern ya'll, I guess, and "Stillers" is the "correct" pronunciation of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team). – rhetorician Commented …
american english - Different words for the personal pronoun “you” …
2019年10月3日 · you-uns, or yinz – Western Pennsylvania, The Ozarks, The Appalachians. ye, yee, yees, yiz – Ireland, Tyneside,Newfoundland and Labrador. Although these plurals are …
What can I use for plural-you? Should I use "you all"?
2017年9月8日 · To add to the commenters, yinz is another informal second person plural to accompany youse and y'all. Share.
etymology - "youse" as a plural second person pronoun - English ...
2016年12月1日 · From an Irish perspective youse sounds totally fine:. The word ye, yis or yous, otherwise archaic, is still used in place of "you" for the second-person plural.