grammar - What is the question for "Yes, I do"? - English …
Jul 25, 2017 · "Yes, I do!" answers a Do-question. One of those you already mentioned, "Do you love me?" Other questions would include "Do you want to be with me?" and "Do you have …
When answering a question “Do you [...]?”, should I answer “Yes, I …
Nov 18, 2016 · As non-native speaker of English I want to understand which response is correct, given a context. Thank you for two examples. "If your waiter is asking "Do you take cream?" a …
word choice - Yes, I do vs. Yes, I want to - English Language …
Jan 5, 2016 · Instead of Yes, I do want to I could also say. Yes, I do do. which means the same (emphasizing that I do actually want to go). However, this can be problematic, as do do …
meaning - <Yes, I do> while answering a "do question" - English ...
Nov 30, 2019 · Question: Do you speak English? Answer 1: Yes Answer 2: Yes, I do Answer 3: Yes, I speak. The answer 1 is clear, nothing to ask about it. It's the same for answer 3. But in …
Yes I do. / Yes I have - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Oct 6, 2022 · Yes I do. You won't (will not) be able to see Grandma next week. Yes I will. You can't (cannot/can not) see the sea from here. Yes you can. Your conversation involving don't …
verbs - Yes, I live; Yes, I do live; or Yes, I do? - English Language ...
Yes, I do live there. However, that may leave your hearer wondering why you employ the auxiliary do , which is ordinarily used either for emphasis or to assert something which has just been …
What is correct answer for the question "Do you have..."?
Feb 7, 2016 · Yes. Yes, I do. Yes, I have money. Yes, I have five dollars. As Ustanak points out, Yes, I do have money. is grammatically correct, but it is only natural when one wants to make …
"if so" or "if yes" which one is correct? - English Language Learners ...
Mar 1, 2016 · "If yes" literally means "If 'yes'" I might have a good phone signal at the cabin. If so, I'll give you a call when I get there. Is there a better phone signal over there? If yes, then I'll …
Meaning of the joke A: "how much coke do you do" B: "Yes."
Oct 9, 2024 · The way the joke is generally interpreted, is that the respondent is embarrassed to reveal the true answer, so they simply respond "yes" as a cheeky way to confirm that they do …
politeness - Can we say "Yes, I would" if someone asks "Would …
Dec 14, 2015 · Which if you say "Yes", can mean either: "Yes, I'll take out the trash." "Yes, I would mind taking out the trash." So what people do when hit with the "would you mind..." question is …