  1. 秩父宫雍仁亲王
  2. Copilot 答案
    秩父宫雍仁亲王,是大正天皇和贞明皇后的第二皇子,幼名淳宫,徽印印号为若竹。 曾任陆军少将、日本国会议员、昭和天皇的亲弟弟。曾于1925年到台湾访问。1922年,立为秩父宫。陆军士官学校毕业,后留学英国。1938年以陆军少将任华南派遣军参谋,参加对中国的战争。之后又多次来华,代表天皇慰问皇军。而他观察南京一战的暴行后,做出了中日关系已经受损的论调。1940年,秩父宫雍仁被任命为山百合的主管,再被派遣到东南亚地区,负责将日军从菲律宾、新加坡、马来亚、荷属东印度和法属印度支那掠夺的财宝,通过船队运回日本。战争结束后不久,秩父宫便在1953年于神奈川县逝世。
    出生1902年6月25日 · (明治三十五年) · 大日本帝国东京府东京市赤坂区青山御所(现为东京都赤坂东宫御所
    逝世1953年1月4日(50岁) · (昭和二十八年) · 日本神奈川县藤泽市鹄沼别邸
    Background and family

    Born at Aoyama Detached Palace in Tokyo, the second son of Crown Prince Yoshihito (later Emperor Taishō) and Crown Princess Sadako (later Empress Teimei), the prince was originally titled Atsu no miya (Prince Atsu). He and hi… 展开


    On 28 September 1928, the prince married Setsuko Matsudaira (1909–1995), the daughter of Tsuneo Matsudaira, Japanese ambassador to the United States and later Great Britain (and later, Imperial Household Minister), and hi… 展开

    Military career

    Prince Chichibu received his commission as a second lieutenant in the infantry in October 1922 and was assigned to the First Imperial Guard Division. He was promoted to first lieutenant in 1925 and became a captain in 1930 … 展开


    After World War II, Prince Chichibu was honorary head of many athletic organizations, and was nicknamed the "sporting Prince" due to his efforts to promote skiing, rugby and other sports. He was also honora… 展开

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