MTT Turbine Superbike - Wikipedia
The MTT Y2K Turbine Motorcycle, also known as the Y2K Turbine Superbike, is an American motorcycle powered by a turboshaft engine, made by Marine Turbine Technologies since 2000. The bikes are not mass-produced in continuous series; each unique bike is hand made to order after receiving the buyer's specifications. [ 1 ]
MTT produced not only the first turbine-powered street legal motorcycle, but also the most powerful production bike in the world: the MTT Y2K Superbike. The first generation of Y2K’s were powered by a Rolls Royce-Allison gas turbine engine.
MTT渦輪超級機車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
MTT渦輪超級機車 (英語: MTT Turbine Superbike)又稱 Y2K渦輪超級機車,是 美國 路易斯安那州 海軍陸戰隊渦輪科技 公司所生產之 機車,常簡稱為 Y2K。 該款車採接單製造,售價為150,000 美元 (至2004年為止售價為185,000美元)。 Y2K 採用 勞斯萊斯 製造的Allison 250系列 渦輪軸引擎,為 貝爾直升機 的發動機,最高 馬力 為 320匹(238kW),後輪動力為286匹,最高轉速可達52,000 rpm,最大 扭力 為425ft/lbs,名列為 探索頻道 世界十大機車排名第四名。 …
2008款Y2K具有大于402km/h的最高车速,但是符合欧美等大多数国家的交通法规,完全可以上路行驶;更为重要的是,Y2K不是代步工具,绝大多数人不具备骑乘能力,只有那些已经具有超级摩托车赛车骑乘经验的顶尖高手,并通过适当地技巧训练后,才能充分享受Y2K ...
MTT420RR Superbike for Sale - Nostalgic Motoring Ltd
The 420RR takes their original, groundbreaking Y2K Superbike to the next level. It is truly the fastest production motorcycle in the world, with a top speed in excess of 250mph. The 420RR is designed for ease of operation.
MTT Y2K Turbine Superbike - Motorcycle Specifications
While the Y2K Turbine Superbike could run to top speed of 227 mph (365 km/h), the MTT Streetfighter faster at least 400km/h. MTT Streetfighter as well as faster than MTT Y2K Turbine Superbike, features a bigger swingarm, Pirelli Diablo 240-section rear tyre, increased fuel capacity and an enhanced cooling system.
MTT Y2K: The Insane Motorcycle Powered by a Rolls-Royce …
Oct 26, 2021 · A road-legal superbike with a 320-hp turbine engine, the MTT Y2K is one of the most outrageous motorcycles that the world has ever seen
Jet Bike – 2002 Y2K MTT Turbine - Bike-urious
Built by MTT (Marine Turbine Technologies), the Y2K had a MSRP of $175,000. It had a 2 speed automatic parie dwith the Rolls Royce Allison C20 engine. Later versions of the Y2K got a power bump to 420 horsepower and 500 pound feet of torque.
美日对决Y2K对比川崎H2R 谁胜谁负
Sep 18, 2016 · 美国MTT公司(Marine Turbine Technology)最新推出2008款Y2K涡轮喷气式超级摩托车具有超级强劲的加速性能,甚至可与L-39喷气式战斗机一比高下,并赢得了陆地上的“喷气机”,公路上的“航空母舰”等众多美誉。
MTT Y2K Superbike: The First Turbine-Powered Street Legal …
Apr 21, 2020 · World’s first turbine-powered street-legal motorcycle, MTT Y2K Superbike was made by MTT, Marine Turbine technologies in 2000. Almost 20 years later it still remains as one of the fastest bikes in the world!