What is the proper usage of "Y'all" in southern American dialects
2017年4月9日 · There seems to be mention that in Oklahoma, y'all can be used for singular and plural, which, if true, might be fueling a false conclusion about "all y'all" being the plural of singular y'all. There is a lot more in there, and it is worth a read for anyone interested, but the last thing I wanted to mention was this hypothesis at the end of that ...
When did “y’all” become improper? - English Language & Usage ...
2010年9月17日 · An argument for the superiority of "y'all" over "you guys," which fills the same grammatical niche in other parts of the US that "y'all" does in the South. Economical: one word, one syllable. Nonsexist. Gracefully takes a possessive. "Is that you guys's new minivan?" vs. "Is that y'all's new Tesla roadster?"
"Y'all" or "ya'll"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2013年2月1日 · It should be the first: "Y'all" In contractions, apostrophes represent where letters were taken out. "Y'all" is a contraction of "you all". the "ou " was taken out, so you put an apostrophe were it used to be, giving you "y'all".
How correct is the Southern colloquialism "y'all" in correct English ...
2014年5月20日 · Yes. "Y'all" is a contraction for "you all", and so you have placed the apostrophe correctly to account for the missing letters. (You will frequently see the incorrect form "ya'll", but this doesn't expand correctly.) Also be aware that "y'all" is always plural. Never use "y'all" to refer to a single person!
single word requests - What is the possessive form of "y'all ...
Since y'all is a colloquial pronoun, its possessive form is basically liberated from prescriptive linguistics which would probably say that y'all is a contraction for you all and therefore must be possessivized as of all of you. Do you know if there is a "standard" way to make y'all possessive, insofar as y'all usage can be considered standard?
Why is "you all" contracted to "y'all" and not "you'll"?
Ya'll, I have heard from grammatically correct Southern friends, was a version of you, while all y'all was the form for you all (i.e. plural). But either way, the sooner this thing dies from the English language, the better.
How do you write the short form of "you all"?
2013年2月1日 · "Y'all" is a construction limited to a couple of American dialects, particularly Southern and Western speakers. I've heard it pronounced to rhyme with "wall" (approximately--the vowel gets slightly drawn out/duplicated). There is a joke poking fun at non-prestige dialects to the effect of "Remember, y'all is singular, all y'all is plural ...
How is y’all’dn’t’ve pronounced - English Language & Usage ...
2016年3月10日 · Y'all did not have. Y'all didn't have. Y'all didn't've. It would sound like, "Yawl dintuv," which is quite a bit shorter than "You all did not have." I did not keep the /d/ in didn't've because if the person is contracting this much already, they probably would say, "dint've." If you did want to keep the /d/ it would be pronounced, "didn'tuv."
single word requests - Alternatives to y'all? - English Language ...
2019年1月14日 · The proper New York spelling is Youse. Wikipedia lists this variation as used in NYC and Chicago. In formal English, the second person plural (speaking to more than one person) is formally "you" (other European Languages have a formal You, which is usually the same word as the second person plural used to address a singular, but because the word …
The case of "y'all" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
So, the first thing I'd note is that the usage of y'all, even throughout the Southern US, isn't terrible consistent, so one area's y'all may be another's you all. With that being said, having grown up in Western Tennessee and now currently residing in Northern Alabama (with stints in the NE and Midwest in between), I've definitely heard y'all ...