HTRF(均相时间分辨荧光) - 知乎专栏
XL665:第一代受体,从红藻 (蓝藻胆体)中纯化的藻胆蛋白色素。 d2:第二代受体,比第一代受体小100倍,约1000 Da的有机基序,与Eu3+穴状化合物高度兼容。 Green dy e:该受体与Tb穴状化合物的光谱特性完全兼容。 HTRF技术的优势: HTRF的实验步骤. HTRF的数据处理. 四参数逻辑 (4PL) 曲线:是最常用的拟合 ELISA 标准曲线的推荐曲线;与线性分析相比,4PL 回归能够在更广泛的浓度范围内准确测量未知样品;分析的灵活性高; 四参数逻辑 (4PL) 曲线的四个可变参 …
HTRF Streptavidin XL665-Conjugate, 1,000 Assay Points
Streptavidin has been labeled with XL665. Biotin binds to Streptavidin with high affinity (Ka=1015M-1). The binding is rapid and stable, making it an ideal choice for use in a variety of assays such as enzyme assays, protein-protein binding assays and molecular biology assays.
HTRF术语详解- 术语解释- 均相时间分辨荧光(HTRF)技术专题专 …
XL665:HTRF中的传统acceptor,是改良过的别藻蓝蛋白(APC),将 APC的亚基偶联,增加了稳定性。激发波长为 620nm,发射波长为665nm,位于红外光区,进一步降低了生物溶液对实验的影响(生物学成分很少在红外光区有自发荧光)。
Sep 25, 2017 · 该技术基于荧光共振能量转移(FRET,Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)和时间分辨荧光(TRF, Time-Resolved Fluorescence))两大技术,开通的一款高通量药物筛选利器。 利用两种荧光基团的能量转移,这两种荧光基团分别称为能量供体(Donor)和能量受体(Acceptor)。 Donor被外来光源激发(例如氙灯或激光),如果它与Acceptor比较接近,可以将能量共振转移到在Acceptor上,使其受到激发,发出特定波长的发射光。
HTRF®技术介绍- 技术介绍- 均相时间分辨荧光(HTRF)技术专题 …
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HTRF - Revvity
HTRF can be used in competitive and non-competitive formats and performed as cellular or biochemical assays in 96-, 384- and 1536-well plate formats. It has been applied to a variety of applications including GPCRs, kinases, epigenetics, biotherapeutics and quantification of a range of biomarkers including cytokines.
HTRF Protein A XL665-Conjugate, 5,000 Assay Points | Revvity
Protein A has been labeled with XL665. Protein A-Eu cryptate may be used to detect the binding of immunoglobulins, most notably IgGs from several mammalian species.
trFluor™ Eu Acceptor XL665-Streptavidin Conjugate
Feb 28, 2025 · trFluor™ Eu Acceptor XL665-Streptavidin Conjugate is an excellent building block for developing TR-FRET assays. It is labeled with the trFluor™ Eu Acceptor XL665 that is an excellent replacement for the D2 acceptor.
trFluor™ Eu Acceptor XL665 - AAT Bioquest
Mar 11, 2025 · trFluor™ Eu Acceptor XL665 is an excellent replacement for the commonly used D2 acceptor in labeling antibodies or antigens for bioconjugates paired with europium (Eu)-labeled probes in TR-FRET assays. Eu probes enable time-resolved fluorometry (TRF) in assays requiring high sensitivity.
HTRF-助力免疫检查点抑制剂筛选实验 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Cisbio紧追全球新药研发的最新潮流,陆续成功开发了PD1/PDL1、CTLA4/CD80、CTLA4/CD86等几个最热的 免疫检查点 抑制剂筛选Assay,为广大药物研发人员提供简单、高效的筛选工具。 试剂盒代表: PD1/PD-L1 binding assay kit. 实验原理. PDL1蛋白带Tag1,PD1蛋白带Tag2,分别用Anti-Tag1-Eu和Anti-Tag2-XL665抗体与两个标签结合,当两个蛋白结合后,Eu和XL665之间的距离靠近,激光激发Eu,Eu发光并把能量转移到XL665上,从而使其发光。 加入化合物,化合 …