Acrylic Mini Xf-51 Khaki Drab - Tamiya USA
• X appointed colors have a glossy finish while XF designated colors are flat finish. • The paint can be thinned for airbrushing using Tamiya X-20A Acrylic thinner. • Items 81521 and 81021 (Tamiya X-21 Flat Base) can be used as a flattening agent on Tamiya Gloss bottle paints.
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Tamiya Acrylic Paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush or spray painting. These paints can be used on styrol resins, styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. The paint covers well, flows smoothly with no blushing or fading, and can be blended easily.
Tamiya Acrylic XF51 Khaki Drab 23ml Bottle - amazon.com
ACRYLIC XF-51 KHAKI DRAB DESCRIPTION: Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics.
- 评论数: 53
TAMIYA Acrylic XF51 Flat Khaki Drab TAM81351 Plastics Paint …
Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrol resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. The paint covers well, flows smoothly and can be blended easily. When airbrushing make sure to use a Tamiya thinner.
- 评论数: 29
田宫 80351 Tamiya Color 珐琅油漆 XF-51 卡其褐色(美军/苏联陆军 …
田宫珐琅油漆可用于笔涂及喷枪上色,并适用于绝大部分木材﹑金属及塑胶。 珐琅油漆遮蔽力及延展性强,并可用于覆盖在绝大部分常用油漆之上。 以喷枪上色时请使用以下稀释剂稀释: 80020, 80030, 80040. 如以喷枪上色,请以10油漆:2稀释剂的比例稀释珐琅油漆以达到最佳效果。 Product Sample 产品外观:
Acrylic XF51 Khaki Drab 3/4 oz - Hobbylinc
23ml Jar of Tamiya XF-51 Khaki Drab color Acrylic Flat (Matt) Paint. Can be used on styrol resins, styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. Covers well, flows smoothly with no blushing or fading, and can be blended easily. This is a …
- 评论数: 20
田宮 TAMIYA 法瑯漆 XF-51 消光 卡其褐色 - WINGS模型玩具店
超商寄貨尺寸如下 : 體積最長邊≦ 45cm,長+寬+高 合計≦105cm,重量不得超過5公斤。 超過上述尺寸,請同意變更為轉帳匯款完郵局或宅配。 如收到商品與購買數量不符,請馬上使用FB粉絲團跟我們連繫. FB粉絲團 : WINGS模型玩具. 商品發貨日期可能因各廠商因素有所變動,還請見諒。 預購商品常發生到貨缺貨或砍量等情況,將依下標時間順序出貨。 WINGS購物須知 : 暫無貨到付款選項,現貨商品下單後未於三日內匯款並回覆訂單,將自動取消訂單 現貨商品下單後,若 …
新人求问:派克51的XF尖相当于几毫米呢 - 简单问题讨论 - 钢笔论 …
2015年9月7日 · 手头正好有一支美产的xf和百乐的p-500(0.5)。 在国誉的不洇本上,XF的51用4001所书写的字迹比P-500要稍微粗一些 顺带感叹下楼主真是大壕,甫买51就去找那些原装的NOS、近新{:soso_e113:}
Tamiya 81751 - Acrylic Mini XF-51 Khaki Drab - 10ml Bottle
Available in glossy, flat, translucent colors, plus an exclusive thinner and a flat base.</span> <span style="line-height: 1.5">Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing.