XD/XDm sight removal - Springfield XD Forum
Nov 29, 2011 · Remove = left to right side of slide (viewed from top) Install =- Right to left (viewed from top) But I warn you, XD sights are the tightest in the industry and you will likely ding, scratch or damage your slide trying to remove them without proper …
What's the Best Overall XDm Trigger? | Springfield XD Forum
Oct 13, 2016 · At the latest gun show, I got a tool that measures the trigger pull, mostly for dialing in my rifles. Once my XDm gets out of Kalifornia jail, I'll install the Extreme Kit and report back which spring config I used to get the best pull for me.
Are XDM Elite magazines compatible with original XDM?
Mar 26, 2020 · I have an XDM 9mm Compact and a XDM 9mm Competition. The 19 round magazines are interchangeable between them (give or take the plastic X-tension piece). Are the new XDM Elite 9mm 22 round magazines backward compatible with the original XDM 9mm pistols? I would consider them compatible if the...
New XD Mod.3 | Springfield XD Forum
Nov 7, 2024 · My original XD-9 is almost 14 years old and going strong. But when I saw Springfield Armory has set the MSRP for the Mod.3 at $325, I was stunned. Figured they’d ruined the XD lineup by producing a cheap clone. I was wrong. And when I saw a Mod.3 for $277, I grabbed it. Don’t really need it...
NEW!! Completely Drop In XDM Trigger Kit - Springfield XD Forum
Aug 29, 2011 · The parts that are "plastic" are the trigger and the trigger safety (Same As the Factory XDm) and we still machine the critical surfaces on those parts. The Striker Safety Lever is tool steel and we hold tolarances that are less than +/-.0005" on that. The heat treat of the lever is specked to 52RC +/- 2.5.
Anyone shooting 45 Super in their XDM? | Springfield XD Forum
Oct 21, 2010 · I have the 4.5 XDm in .45 ACP and I love it, Thumper has it right, the heavier recoil spring will help counteract the heavier load and it will accelerate the slide back into battery. The suggestion for heavier mag springs for .45 Super was also spot-on.
Best optic for 10mm XD? - Springfield XD Forum
Apr 25, 2024 · I finally put the setup together and took my xdm with the Holsun 509t to the range. Lesson learned at the range was that while the Holsun worked well shooting at still targets, that red dot took a relatively long time to find and use it. I understand there is something called “vulcan”? That makes it easier to find the aim point.
Recoil spring and guide rod replacement on XDM
Dec 22, 2013 · Here is the site Rachis Recoil System for Springfield Armory XDm 4.5/5.25 Pistols :: XDm Tungsten Carbide Rods :: Springfield Armory® Platform Products :: Brass Stacker I presently have both the XDM 45ACP, 4.5"barrel model and …
XD tactical vs XDM for USPSA/IPSC? - Springfield XD Forum
Jan 17, 2009 · You can't go wrong with that purchase, IMO. However, I've shot the XD as well and hit equally well with both guns. I think the XDm is a better gun but how much of that value translates in the significant price difference is a personal call. If the gun is also to be shot by your kids, the XDm's adjustable back strap might be a good deciding point.
Convert XDM 40 to 9mm?? - Springfield XD Forum
Jan 24, 2010 · XDM 9mm 3.8 Compact, Walther PK380, Remington 870 Express, Winchester Model522 Viper, Brazilian junker ...