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αPD-1介导的抗肿瘤反应需要IL-12的DC细胞参与,而DC细胞可以识别激活的CD8 T细胞所表达的interferon (IFN)γ11。 这些研究发现DC 细胞与T细胞交互,如CXCL9/10 CXCR3轴,是产生有效抗肿瘤T细胞免疫的关键。
Crucial roles of XCR1-expressing dendritic cells and the XCR1-XCL1 ...
2016年3月23日 · Activated intestinal T cells produce XCL1, which attracts nearby XCR1 + DC; the ensuing DC-T cell crosstalk supports T cell survival, promotes upregulation of CD103 expression with...
Immunity | 树突状细胞(DCs)在肿瘤中作为T细胞免疫的"牧羊人"
2023年10月14日 · T细胞衍生的 XCL1 可以触发驻扎在淋巴结的 cDC1s 的募集,使抗原能够在迁移和驻扎的DC之间转移。 CD4+ T细胞-“帮助”dc完全被许可强力激活CD8+ T细胞。 (B)肿瘤:瘤内cDC1s (浅蓝色)和 cDC2s (橙色)能深刻影响进入的CD8+和CD4+ T细胞的命运,并且具有不同的命运。 例如,一些活化的cDC1s和cDC2s可以通过淋巴管迁移到肿瘤引流淋巴结,在那里它们也有助于T细胞反应。 其他活化的cDC1s和cDC2s留在肿瘤中,例如它们可以积聚在肿瘤间质毛细血 …
Frontiers | The Role of XCR1 and its Ligand XCL1 in Antigen Cross ...
2012年2月9日 · Recently, the chemokine receptor XCR1 has been found to be exclusively expressed on a subset of dendritic cell (DC) known to be involved in antigen cross-presentation. This review aims to summarize the known biology of the XCR1 receptor and its chemokine ligand XCL1, both in the mouse and the human.
趋化因子受体XCR1在交叉呈递树突状细胞上的选择性表达确定 …
在本报告中,我们证明了xcr1仅在鼠cd8 +树突状细胞(dc)上表达,并表明xcl1是该dc子集的有效且高度特异性的化学引诱剂。 在体内CD8 + DC上抗原识别后的8–36小时内,CD8 + T细胞会大量分泌XCL1 ,在此期间,会发生稳定的T细胞-DC相互作用。
XCL1的结构-功能关系,用于体内将抗原靶向XCR1 +树突状细胞 …
2019年1月9日 · xcl1是xcr1的配体,xcr1是在小鼠和人的交叉呈递树突状细胞(dc)中唯一表达的趋化因子受体。 我们对建立基于XCL1介导的将肽或蛋白质靶向这些DC的治疗性疫苗感兴趣。
Structure-Function Relationship of XCL1 Used for
2018年12月13日 · XCL1 is the ligand for XCR1, a chemokine receptor uniquely expressed on cross-presenting dendritic cells (DC) in mouse and man. We are interested in establishing therapeutic vaccines based on XCL1-mediated targeting of peptides or proteins into these DC.
XCL1 and XCR1 in the immune system - ScienceDirect
2012年3月1日 · The XCL1 receptor XCR1 is exclusively expressed by the DC subpopulation that is potent in antigen presentation to T cells and facilitates cytotoxic T cell response. The elevated expression of XCL1 in various infectious and autoimmune diseases suggests the role of the XCL1–XCR1 axis in protective and pathological immune responses.
The Role of XCR1 and its Ligand XCL1 in Antigen Cross …
Recently, the chemokine receptor XCR1 has been found to be exclusively expressed on a subset of dendritic cell (DC) known to be involved in antigen cross-presentation. This review aims to summarize the known biology of the XCR1 receptor and its chemokine ligand XCL1, both in the mouse and the human.
Frontiers | Structure-Function Relationship of XCL1 Used for in …
2018年12月12日 · Given the secretion of XCL1 by activated NK cells, Th1-polarized CD4 + T cells, and by activated CD8 + T cells, we tested the hypothesis that secreted XCL1 could “mark” stressed cells and thus facilitate their uptake by cross-presenting DC. To test this hypothesis, we examined the binding of wt XCL1-OVA and its structural variants to ...