x265 - What Level/Profile/Tier settings should I use for this ...
2018年10月8日 · --Then important part comes - choosing buffers , --vbv-bufsize 50000 --vbv-maxrate 50000 , so you limit max bitrates. How exactly it is to the point with x265 not sure, …
high core count cpu for x265 encoding good idea? - VideoHelp …
2021年3月6日 · I mean the quality loss is always present on any encode, and im fine with it up to the point for example if there is around 10-15% quality loss mainly something like missing …
Switch to x265 or stick with x264? - VideoHelp Forum
2023年10月19日 · I've experimented with x265 on medium preset and 10bit and that brings it down to around 2.2gb. I can't see any obvious quality loss and the encode takes roughly the …
x264, x265, svt-hevc, svt-av1, shootout - VideoHelp Forum
2023年1月2日 · In a nutshell, this is what the x264 developers did and the x265 people have taken it even further, to create these monstrosity of code bases, with numerous …
Which is the optimal motion search range in x264 and x265?
2014年9月28日 · There is no optimal. Depends on the content and situation. e.g high action content like sports, action movie may benefit more with a larger range than say a slow moving …
Can the "smoothness" or "blurred" look of x265 encodes be …
2018年8月26日 · I'm a novice at video encoding. Yet, I've found a great x265 downsizing encoding routine for my large television captures. I can reduce the file size by 40% or more. …
i want x265 for VirtualDub - VideoHelp Forum
2016年6月18日 · The advantage of x265 is that it is a quite complex video codec which is able to search thoroughly for similarities in the video which can be used to encode efficiently. This …
The purpose of '--aud' and '--hrd' parameters in x265 HDR encoding
2021年2月6日 · I've been encoding my UHD Bluray collection using ffmpeg/x265 for about 2 years now, and until a few weeks ago, I never included these parameters in my HDR encodes. …
I there any benefit to encoding to 10-bits? - VideoHelp Forum
2020年9月12日 · I linked to the original, everyone is free to download any and all the ProRes or RAW samples. As for the rest, professional video is never used as is straight from the camera, …
x265 parameters to retain image grain - VideoHelp Forum
2016年10月8日 · I've been using x265 since 1.3-1.4 and don't think I have ever used --frames. Recently I started using the comparison function in Staxrip to making comparing videos easier, …