Lockheed Martin X-56 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-56 is an American modular unmanned aerial vehicle that is being designed to explore High-Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) flight technologies for use in future military unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.
X-56A - Lockheed Martin
The X-56A will test to the edge of the flight envelope in an effort to mature technologies that will lead to more slender, lightweight, high-aspect-ratio wings, resulting in better aircraft performance.
Logitech G X56 VR Simulator Compatible HOTAS Joystick
Modern, military-grade simulation for VR and space-flight. Features six degrees of freedom—pitch, roll, yaw, backwards, forwards, up, down, left and right; twin throttles; 189 programmable controls; and more. SAVE 20% on one Flight Simulation product of equal or lesser value when you buy 2 or more.
X-56A Multi-Utility Technology Testbed - NASA
2014年1月23日 · Research results from the low-speed sub-scale X-56A will benefit future designs for both subsonic and supersonic aircraft. Objectives. The goal of the X-56A project is to advance aeroservoelastic technology through flight research using a …
X-56 Research Objective •Can the use of active feedback control stabilize flutter and provide the necessary margin and robustness? •What sensors and control methodologies are needed? •Can the aero-structural-control coupling be modeled accurately enough for control law development •Flutter instability prediction alone is not sufficient
X-56A无人机 - 百度百科
X-56A型飞机是被称为“Buckeye”的无人机, X-56A无人机是由洛克希德·马丁公司高级开发项目研制,2015年9月完成了美国航空航天局(NASA)的测试,该检测为无人机随后安装可随气流弯曲的弹性机翼做准备。
Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2025 to be Released Soon.
罗技 G X56 VR 模拟器兼容式手动油门与摇杆 - Logitech G
适合 VR 和太空飞行的现代军事级模拟。 具有六个自由度——俯仰、滚动、偏航、后退、前进、上、下、左、右;双油门;189 个可编程控制器等等。 为增强 VR 游戏和重新兴起的航天模拟游戏的体验,罗技 G 提供了 X56 手动油门与摇杆。 这是一套全套控制的精彩样例,其中包括模拟拇指控制杆、RGB 灯光 16 位副翼和升降舵轴、189 个可编程控制以及更多。 更新的 X56 除了在工程上的增强外,还根据社区反馈提供了更低调的全新黑色和灰色外观。 从即插即用的便捷游戏乐 …
Logitech G X56 H.O.T.A.S Throttle and Joystick Flight Simulator …
Enhance the experience of VR gaming and the re-emerging space simulation genre with the advanced X56 HOTAS. It provides complete control featuring analog thumb sticks, RGB lighting, 16-bit aileron and elevator axis, 189 programmable controls, and an …
Lockheed Martin X-56 | National Aeronautics and Space …
The Lockheed Martin X-56 is a modular unmanned aerial vehicle designed to explore High-Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) flight technologies for use in future military unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, as well as contributing knowledge to the future X-54 low-boom supersonic research programme, [citation needed] and future low emissions transport ...