NASA X-38 - Wikipedia
The X-38 is an experimental re-entry vehicle designed by NASA to research a possible emergency crew return vehicle (CRV) for the International Space Station (ISS). The 1995–2002 program also developed concepts for a crew return vehicle design that could be modified for other uses, such as a possible joint U.S. and international human ...
X-38是由NASA为国际空间站研制的升力体(lifting body)再入(re-entry)式乘员返回载具的原型机。该项目还打算开发一个可以修改为其他用途的机组人员返回飞机设计,例如可以在法国阿丽亚娜5助推器上发射的美国和国际人造航天器联合制造的飞机。
X-38 Prototype Crew Return Vehicle - NASA
Feb 28, 2014 · The X-38 project was a series of five prototype research vehicles developing technology to build and operate a space station crew return vehicle (CRV). The Explore
X-38試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-38是为 国际空间站 研制的 升力体 (lifting body) 再入 (re-entry)式 乘员返回载具 的原型机。 在2002年因资金问题被终止之前,X-38计划已经有了一架试验机。 [1] 能在 国际空间站 中工作的 宇航员 的人数取决于当时使用的 乘员返回载具 的载客数。 当时 国际空间站 使用的 乘员返回载具 是 俄罗斯 的 联盟号,它只能运载三名 宇航员。 而 国际空间站 的 乘员返回载具 必须能在紧急情况下(例如 宇航员 突然生病)运载七名 宇航员 返回地面,因为最多会有七个人在 国际空 …
X-38 Crew Return Vehicle - NASA
Aug 23, 2023 · The X-38 Crew Return Vehicle descends under its steerable parafoil over the California desert in its first free flight at...
X-38 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Lifting body reentry vehicle designed as emergency return spacecraft for International Space Station crew. Crew Return Vehicle prototypesatellite built by, Aerojet (DPS) for NASA. AKA: Spacewedge. Status: Cancelled 2000. Gross mass: 8,163 kg (17,996 lb). Height: 8.69 m (28.51 ft). Span: 4.42 m (14.50 ft).
X-38 - NASA
Jan 21, 2014 · The X-38 project was a series of five prototype research vehicles developing technology to build and operate a space station crew return vehicle (CRV). The wingless CRV, when operational, would be the first reusable human spacecraft to be …
NASA Dryden X-38 Photo Collection - Armstrong Flight Research …
The X-38 is a technology demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle, which is designed as a emergency crew return vehicle for the International Space Station. It is manufactured by Scaled Composites, Inc., Mojave, California.
X-38试验机 - 全球百科
X-38是一个实验性的再入飞行器,由NASA设计,用于研究国际空间站(ISS)可能的紧急乘员返回飞行器(CRV)。 1995-2002年的计划还开发了乘员返回飞行器设计的概念,该设计可被修改为其他用途,如可能的美国和国际联合载人航天器,可由法国阿丽亚娜5型助推器发射。 该计划最终将为拟议的乘员返回飞行器开发总共三个测试原型飞行演示器,每一个都在其前身的基础上有渐进的改进。 所有这三个都是无翼起重体飞... X-38是一个实验性的再入 飞行 器,由NASA 设计,用 …
Mar 12, 1998 · The X-38 project began in 1995 at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas at the direction of the NASA administrator. From the beginning, the project has had the CRY design validation as its ultimate goal. The CRY has three basic missions that drive the design that must be proven during the course of the X-38 Project: