Boot Plist and Verbose Boot any Connection? - Apple Support …
2010年10月26日 · WZZZ and Baltwo Thanks again for the expert help. I used Onyx to clear the Boot cache, check preferences etc. Still in verbose mode. Next did the PRAM reset and voila I saw an Apple and gear for the first time in a while. The boot is fast and when the desk top appears the machine is ready to go. My surprise is the difference the PRAM reset made.
Keychain Access - does this mean anything… - Apple Community
2012年7月29日 · Copy/paste this command into Terminal, leave a space and drag Keychain Acess.app in and post the output. ls -la ...
ITunes for G3? - Apple Community - Apple Support Community
2010年7月24日 · WZZZ Author. User level: Level 6 13,232 points Jul 24, 2010 9:51 AM in response to Chris CA Thanks Chris. ...
disk utility 7 pass erase - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2011年3月1日 · Am trying to erase a questionable 500 G hard disk. Disk utility says "Secure Erase. Pass 1 of 7" "Estimated time: 1 day, 5 hours"
Removing/deleting Spotlight-V100? - Apple Community
Oct 27, 2009 7:48 AM in response to WZZZ My original plan was simply to use the "Destroy" function in EasyFind, but I have since learned that the .Spotlight-V100 is a directory, not a file, and, as such, can not be deleted directly.
How can I stop Terminal from opening at s… - Apple Community
2010年7月2日 · I worked my way down to the PRAM reset (whatever that is), and that did the trick! Bless you! I was starting to wonder if people still had to "rebuild the desktop" as I did with an old grape iMac. Now I can surf in peace, thank you, WZZZ, and everybody, so much for your suggestions, and reassurance that I wasn't alone. 🙂
How to: force spotlight to re-index - Apple Community
2013年7月28日 · WZZZ wrote: Note, that by default Spotlight doesn't search system files. Wrong. The index includes almost everything. What happens is that Spotlight searches don't report anything to do with user's Library and system files unless those criteria are added.
How do you delete a email without opening it - Apple Support …
2013年3月6日 · That would explain it. With my 10.6, it opens and I think that's also true of 10.5. Also one caveat if saving a message without opening it: I've never investigated this further, but sometimes when I do this either Mail or TextEdit, I forget which now, will attempt to connect to some usually suspicious URL, which I always deny from Little Snitch.
Maintenance Scripts not Running - Apple Community
2011年2月26日 · Thanks for the reply I understand about scripts not running when computer is asleep. However, after a year they should have run at some point.
Marking large amounts of e-mail as read? - Apple Community
2012年1月26日 · WZZZ wrote: Right click on the Mailbox, or various Mailboxes (if there are "various'), in question and select "Mark all messages as Read." Or, alternatively, use AppleScript. Google it, maybe you'll find a script for this purpose already made.