Worf - Wikipedia
Worf, son of Mogh is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise, portrayed by actor Michael Dorn.
Worf | Memory Alpha | Fandom
In Star Trek, Worf became the adversary of the House of Duras by killing Duras in a duel, exercising his Right of Vengeance. This event paved the way for Gowron to assume the role of chancellor. The fate of Toral, another House of Duras member, at the hands of Worf is uncertain.
Michael Dorn - Wikipedia
Michael Dorn (born December 9, 1952) is an American actor best known for his role as the Klingon character Worf in the Star Trek franchise, appearing in all seven seasons of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994), and later reprising the role in seasons four through seven of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1995–1999 ...
Michael Dorn Addresses Worf's Star Trek Future After Picard …
Michael Dorn addresses Worfs future after bringing the character back in Star Trek: Picard season 3. The first Klingon warrior to join Starfleet, Worf formed a key part of the Star Trek: The...
The Wisdom of Worf - Star Trek
2024年12月9日 · Worf's evolved outlook added even more depth to the fan-favorite character, yet in spite of these changes, Worf proved that his Picard-era personal improvements were deeply rooted in the same core values that the beloved warrior cherished in his days aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-D and Deep Space 9.
Worf - Memory Delta Wiki
Worf, son of Mogh, of the House of Martok, (2340- ), also known as Worf Rozhenko, is a male Klingon was one of the single most influential people in Klingon and Federation politics of the late 24th century.
Worf’s Complete Star Trek Timeline Explained - MSN
Lieutenant Worf first appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation and spent most of the show's run serving as Security Chief on the USS Enterprise-D commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard...
Worf | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
Worf, son of Mogh, of the House of Martok, (born 2340), also known as Worf Rozhenko, was one of the single most influential people in Klingon and Federation politics of the late 24th century. Worf was directly responsible for the ascension of two Chancellors of the Klingon Empire, Gowron in 2367, and Martok in 2375.
Worf (Star Trek) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Worf, Son of Mogh is one of the main protagonists in the Star Trek franchise. He was also the first Klingon in Starfleet, to be followed by B'Elanna Torres and her daughter, Miral Paris. He was played by Michael Dorn, notable for his voice roles as Marcus and Frank Horrigan in …
Worf - Official Star Trek Online Wiki
Worf is a Klingon Ambassador and gin'tak to the Great House of Martok. He is the father of Alexander Rozhenko and K'Dhan, the husband of Grilka, and brother to Kurn. Once a highly decorated Starfleet officer, Worf served as Lieutenant and Lt. Commander on the U.S.S. Enterprise-D under Captain...