Freestanding wood stove in chimney fireplace? - Hearth.com Forums
2025年1月16日 · Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment. We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.
Venting wood stove into existing masonry chimney
2022年1月24日 · Our current ranch in boonies no restrictions all our buildings, 8 man Finn wood sauna, etc. with wood stoves all tied to huge beautiful perfect condition over built 12X12 flue proper height masonry chimneys, our living room big old wood guzzling Garrison One wood stove in front of fireplace piped into damper replacement sealed plate, about 40 ...
Safe construction of wood framed chimney chase
2020年1月26日 · Just installed a new RSF Opel 3C fireplace in an addition to an old house. Chimney chase was constructed on outside wall of the addition, with 2x4 wood stud construction, Roxul mineral wool insulation in stud bays, Zip sheathing at the exterior, Thermoply at the interior for vapor barrier, and...
Question on venting wood stove up a brick chimney
2013年10月28日 · It's probably 50 years old. The former owner had an old-school cast iron insert in the fireplace venting directly up the chimney. I have removed the insert and would like to place a wood stove on the hearth and vent it up the chimney. Budget is an issue so I'm wondering if I can just run stove pipe up the chimney all the way to the top.
Snow Diverter/Dam for Woodstove Chimney Installation
2007年12月8日 · Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment. We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.
8 inch Stove to 6 inch Chimney Question? - Hearth.com Forums
2012年11月9日 · We have a stove set up this way. The stove is an 8" but the existing chimney was 6". The draft is slow to start but once the stove gets up to temp we never have combustion issues. We do get some smoke coming out the door when adding more wood. I assume that's from the flue reducer but its in an outbuilding so I could care less.
Venting Wood Stove Into An Old Chimney. Help!
2020年11月20日 · Hi Everyone, I'd really appreciate your thoughts on installing a small Defender 2 wood stove in my century home. I have a brick chimney, not lined but 2 bricks thick, as far as I can tell, that has a vent hole for a stove. My house is 180 years old and I'm guessing the chimney is slightly newer at around 150 years old.
Oil furnace and wood stove on the same chimney?
2007年11月27日 · His chimney built up a combined creosote/oil residue that the wood stove promptly caught on fire. He was lucky and it went out. But then luck is a matter of how you see it, as he did not feel to lucky when the mason handed him the bill for the new chimney. And, now scared to death, he installed a new SS stack for the wood stove.
Putting wood stove on a chimney that used to be used for Oil
2013年8月12日 · Just a little hint here too. If you do plan on heating with wood, take some time to visit the Wood Shed part of hearth.com's forums. In there you will find much information about wood and burning of the wood. You will also find that most of us go by the 3 year plan. That is, get yourself 3 years ahead on wood.
Running chimney through second story bedroom? - Hearth.com …
2009年1月28日 · Sorry. Class A chimney is a 2100 degree insulated chimney system. Sometimes called by one of the brand names Metalbestos. So you have the first floor where the stove is. From the stove to the ceiling, you use whats called "smoke pipe" this can be single wall or double wall. That attaches to a ceiling support box that is mounted in the ceiling.