Deep Dive: The Wish Spell Through the Editions
Jan 31, 2019 · The Wish spell also relies on the rules set in the Ring of Three Wishes, but has no limitations except for spell exhaustion. Based on the information given (or lack thereof), the player can now ask for pretty much anything. But once again, the focus seems to be on screwing the player over, regardless of what they wish for. 2e
Remaster change to Wish : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Sep 18, 2023 · Right now, it does not matter who is performing the wish. As it currently stands, a 4th-level Remaster jann can use Wanderer's Wish to grant the benefits of an automatic critical success on a wish ritual, which includes "the destruction of an entire kingdom or ascension to divinity," with no strings attached whatsoever. Insomuch as jann are 4th ...
What kind of sword is the Wish Blade? : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Jul 1, 2021 · Honestly just wanted to avoid getting roasted for throwing martial things onto a caster, but thanks for believing in my character! I like the fighter/mage concept and I'm always looking for ways to build it in new and interesting ways. The Wish Blade looked like a cool fit, and I found the Undine-Winter Witch combo really thematically interesting.
Wish / Alter Reality: What spells can you actually duplicate?
Aug 24, 2022 · The 2 lines in question are those, in this case taken from Alter Reality, but Wish works in the same way Duplicate any spell from the occult list of 9th level or lower to which you have access . Duplicate any spell from another spell …
Specific Wish/Miracle scenarios : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Oct 3, 2022 · Wish in 2e has no material component, and theres no in game stated limit to stat increases with wish. So it's not at all balanced to allow this as an option that can be repeated. But you could get some temporary bonuses, perhaps.
dnd 5e 2014 - Can the Wish spell overcome the post-casting time ...
Sep 5, 2017 · Anecdote: Back in AD&D 2e (A.D. 199x), we had a houserule about wish: when a mage declared a wish spell, we would start a stopwatch, and let him roleplay his character wishing. From that moment until he finished, anything the player spoke at the table was coming out of the mouth of the character.
Wish-like effects and rituals (and spells) : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Mar 17, 2020 · At this level, any effect you're allowing to PCs to replicate with wish is also going to be available to the foes. I think the spell's balance point is being the ultimate in flexibility, gaining access to nearly every spell with a single casting. I'm not opposed to taking wish a step beyond - it's level 20, the PCs deserve the cinema.
Wish vs. Rituals and Focus Spells : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
May 14, 2021 · Wish really doesn't need to be even more powerful. You can already do stuff like Raise Dead without any cost with it. For me, when Wish calls out a "spell of tradition X", that means it has to be a spell from the spell list that a caster of that tradition could prepare in his regular spell slots. Focus spells and Rituals are just too different.
Wish blade/knife build? : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Mar 15, 2021 · As mentioned by another user, only the wish knife could be made into a monk weapon to apply this to, but you can put a conducting rune into any other monk weapon without burning 2 class feats. 3.) Monk Rain of Embers Stance/Fire Talon Strike - this means every turn you can trigger the extra fire damage, but are limited to a 1d4 weapon size.
A Limited Wish Guide : r/dndnext - Reddit
Dec 18, 2021 · The Limited Wish feature is a request to a Genie for the Genie to cast Wish on your behalf. WotC Rulemaker Jeremy Crawford has responded to this specifically. The Genie casts the spell (with a 6th level spell slot if requested), the Genie holds concentration on the spell for you for its duration (or shorter if requested at time of casting), and ...