Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
Winterhill school is a high achieving, 11-16 school where our guiding principle, ‘Everyone Succeeds’ underpins our school values and ethos. At Winterhill, we put great emphasis on personal development and academic achievement.
Contact Us – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
Winterhill School Headteacher: Mr S. Rhodes. High Street Kimberworth Rotherham South Yorkshire S61 2BD. Telephone: 01709 740232 E-mail: [email protected]. If you have a request for information, please mark for the attention of Mr S Rhodes, Headteacher via [email protected]
Admissions – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
You can apply for a place at Winterhill School after Transitions (from primary school in Y7) with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council via this online application: https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/school-admissions-3/apply-school-during-school-year
Headteacher’s Welcome – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
Winterhill school is a high achieving, 11-16 school where our guiding principle, ‘Everyone Succeeds’ underpins our school values and ethos. At Winterhill, we put great emphasis on personal development and academic achievement.
ParentPay – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
From 1 September 2019, Winterhill School went cashless. This means that all money for trips and other school items must be paid using our e-payment method, Parentpay. This can be done online using ParentPay’s very secure website or in cash at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo.
SEND – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
Every school is required to publish their Local Offer which details a summary of the services and support offered to address the various needs of students. Details of our Local Offer can be found by clicking www.rotherhamsendlocaloffer.org.uk. School contacts. SENCO – Katie Brown 01709 740232 [email protected]
Restorative Practice – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
Restorative practice is a strategy that we use at Winterhill School to resolve incidents that occur in our school and is at the centre of our Core Values: Respect, Resilience, Responsibility. The teacher (adult) acts as facilitator. It is the students themselves, who come up with the solutions.
Options - winterhillschool
Winterhill School. High Street Kimberworth Rotherham South Yorkshire S61 2BD Telephone: 01709 740232 E-mail: [email protected] Freedom of information Contact. Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via [email protected]
Drama – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
We will build cultural capital and an appreciation of theatre as an art form through the opportunity to experience drama in a variety of settings including after school clubs, experiencing live theatre and performing in school productions.
Attendance & Punctuality – Winterhill School | Inspire Learning Trust
At Winterhill School, excellent attendance and punctuality is our aim for every student. Full attendance maximises learning opportunities and parents/carers have a vital role in promoting good attitudes towards attendance.