Wine Headache: Causes, Treatment, Prevention Tips - Healthline
2020年9月16日 · Let’s take a closer look at a wine headache, if there’s a way to avoid it, and what to do when a wine headache strikes.
Ask the doctor: What causes red wine headaches? - Harvard Health
2023年10月9日 · When you try a new red wine, start with less than half a drink. If it's going to give you a headache, it'll do so within 15 minutes. Any alcoholic beverage can dilate blood vessels in the brain and cause a headache. Avoid drinking wine, beer, or liquor on an empty stomach or when you're dehydrated. Try to drink a glass of water between glasses ...
Red-wine headache explained - and it is not about volume - BBC
2023年11月20日 · US researchers say they may have discovered why some people get a headache after just one small glass of red wine, even though they are fine drinking other types of alcohol.
How to Cure a Wine Headache | Wine Folly
With every glass, after almost an hour, your head starts throbbing. The infamous red wine headache may be cured with 3 tricks. Let's take a closer look at what causes a wine headache and how drinking water may be the quickest cure of them all.
Why Does Red Wine Or White Wine Give Me A Headache? | Wine 101 - VinePair
The causes of red wine headaches are easy to avoid. Got one? We have a simple wine headache cure to end your wine headaches. Works for white wine too!
New Research Re-examines the Cause of a Red Wine Headache
2023年12月4日 · Researchers have a new theory as to what causes red wine headaches, which can occur soon after drinking small amounts of red wine. The headaches may be triggered by a compound called quercetin, which is more common in red wines than white wines.
Why Does Red Wine Give Me A Headache | UC Davis
2023年11月20日 · Ever get a headache after drinking red wine? UC Davis researchers may have uncovered the culprit: the flavanol quercetin and its impact on alcohol metabolism.
Why does red wine cause headaches? Research points to a …
2024年12月28日 · Many components of red wine have been accused of causing headaches, but research suggests the most likely culprit is one you may not have considered.
Red wine headaches: New study suggests possible causes - CNN
2023年11月22日 · Scientists may be closer to understanding the culprit behind the consumption of red wine causing headaches for some people, according to new research.
Why red wine gives you a headache and what you can do about it - MSN
To reduce the risk of tyramine-induced headaches, Hewlett suggested choosing fresher wine varieties (over-aged wines) and pairing them with low-tyramine foods, such as eggs, certain cheeses, pasta ...