William Wear Theiss: In & Out of Uniform - The Trek BBS
2020年6月12日 · Star Trek’s space couture is universally recognized, but the man who pioneered them is virtually unknown. Startrek.com aims to correct that with its publication of William Ware Theiss: In & Out of Uniform. It is a detailed account of the life and work of Star Trek's seminal costume designer.
Theiss' Early Designs for the TNG Uniforms - The Trek BBS
2015年8月13日 · Theiss once said that the TNG uniforms were intended to mimic human anatomy - the line of trim that broke up the yoke was the clavicle, the notched color panel in front was the rib cage, etc. Click to expand...
Favorite William Ware Theiss costume design? - The Trek BBS
2010年10月23日 · Re: Favorite William Ware Thiess costume design? One of Theiss’ best male costume designs was the outfit worn by Elisha Cook Jr. as attorney Samuel T. Cogley in “Court Martial.” The tweedy jacket with large patch pockets and leather-like panels in place of lapels looked both traditional and futuristic. I've always wanted a jacket like that.
William Ware Theiss, TOS and women of 60s. - The Trek BBS
2009年5月30日 · But yes, William Ware Theiss had an amazing eye for clothing design, especially for women. And although the female uniforms were a bit silly (c'mon, pantyhose isn't going to protect legs nearly as well as long pants), the civilian female costumes were usually quite stellar--especially considering the constrained budget.
Favorite William Ware Theiss costume design? - The Trek BBS
2011年1月13日 · Re: Favorite William Ware Thiess costume design? The Tellarites... looked like they were wearing patches of ventilation duct material. They probably were, considering Trek's budget induced thriftiness.
Yes the Command Shirts were Yellow - The Trek BBS
2024年5月23日 · There's even an old interview with costume designer William Ware Theiss making that claim. He would buy white material and send it out to a dye shop with very exacting instructions for the shade of green he wanted.
Star Trek Canon Problems | Page 23 | The Trek BBS
2024年3月28日 · Exactly, its a non-controversy. William Ware Theiss' exquisite, groundbreaking designs for TOS gave the franchise its own, memorable look (relatable, yet otherworldly) unlike any other sci-fi production (with others apeing his work in one way or another in the decades to follow). So yes, thank you, William Ware Theiss.
Your Favorite Bill Theiss Costume | The Trek BBS
2024年11月1日 · Yes, but also I see Brown's extra garment as a sign of higher status. I don't know if Theiss was thinking this, but in 1966 you might see a manager wear a coat and tie, a clerk from the mail room wear a short-sleeved shirt and tie, and the girl fetching coffee wear a miniskirt rather than trousers.
June Art Challenge-Costume and Uniform | The Trek BBS
2012年7月4日 · Star trek has always had interesting costume design, from the very sixties designs of william ware theiss, to klingons, to vulcans, to the plethora of...
Vulcan IDIC - The Trek BBS
2018年9月8日 · Gotta admit, William Ware Theiss was one of many very almost-insanely talented people on TOS (and the updated TNG uniforms and a couple other season 1 fashions... the guy was good.) ZapBrannigan Rear Admiral