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IrfanView - One of the Most Popular Viewers Worldwide
IrfanView graphic viewer. Fast and compact ( just 6 MB ) Freeware for non-commercial use; Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11; 32 and 64 bit version
TradingView Desktop Application
TradingView Desktop allows you to set up and restore your multi-monitor workspace without any of the limitations browsers traditionally face. Once you turn this on for your chosen tabs, they'll all show up with the same symbol. And, if you change that …
Live stock, index, futures, Forex and Bitcoin charts on TradingView
Interactive financial charts for analysis and generating trading ideas on TradingView!
Download IrfanView
Since year 2003, IrfanView has over 1 Million downloads every month.
IrfanView 64-bit version
Starting with IrfanView 4.40 there is also a 64-bit version available. Loads all files/images for normal needs (max. RAM size is about 1.3 GB) You can install both versions on the same system, just use different folders.
Wiev - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Wiev n (plural Wiever, diminutive Wievje) As in Standard German, the simplex has a negative tone without being utterly abusive. The diminutive is affectionate, but in a not particularly respectful macho way. Wieverfastelovend. From Middle Low German wîf, from Old Saxon wīf, from Proto-West Germanic *wīb, from Proto-Germanic *wībą.
GitHub - selendym/wiev: wiev - a simple GPU-accelerated image …
wiev is a simple GPU-accelerated image viewer written in Rust that uses ImageMagick for reading and SFML for rendering the images. wiev is adequate. Supported image formats and colorspaces are those of ImageMagick. wiev is fast. All transformations, like panning, rotations, and zooming, are handled by the GPU. wiev is minimal. The GUI consists ...
LetsView Official Website
LetsView is an indispensable screen sharing tool in education and business field. A Perfect Phone Mirror Software for All Types of Users for Free. The ability to live stream, record, control …
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