Widukind - Wikipedia
Widukind, also known as Wittekind and Wittikund, [1] was a leader of the Saxons and the chief opponent of the Frankish king Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars from 777 to 785. …
Widukind | Saxon leader | Britannica
…unity under the leadership of Widukind, who succeeded longer than any other leader in holding together a majority of chieftains in armed resistance to the Franks. Ultimately, internal feuding …
Widukind | EBSCO Research Starters
Widukind. Westphalian chieftain. Born: Eighth century Birthplace: Probably Saxony (now in Germany) Died: c. 807 Place of death: Unknown As a pivotal military and spiritual leader of the …
Widukind von Sachsen (c.735 - 807) - Genealogy - Geni.com
Sep 30, 2024 · Widukind (Modern German: Widuking or Wittekind) was a Germanic religious as well as the political and military leader of the pagan old Saxons and the chief opponent of the …
Who was Widukind, leader of the Saxons? - Encyclopedia Britannica
NARRATOR: Widukind was a very courageous man in the Middle Ages. He lived at the end of the eighth century in what is now northwest Germany and was the leader of the Saxons. During …
Widukind (Sachsen) – Wikipedia
Widukind (auch Wittekind oder Weking) stammte aus einem westfälischen [1] Adelsgeschlecht und führte als dux Saxonum, also als Herzog der Sachsen, [2] in den Jahren 777 bis 785 den …
Widukind (Sachsen) von Westfalen (0755-0810) - WikiTree
Jul 17, 2024 · Widukind (8th/9th centuries; modernized name Wittekind) was a Germanic leader of the Saxons and the chief opponent of Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars. Widukind was …