Welcome to Whiting Farms
hiting Farms was founded in 1989 by Dr. Tom Whiting with the goal of producing the highest quality, value and selection of feathers for the fly tiers of the world. It was with this goal in mind …
Whiting Hackle | Whiting Grizzly Capes | Whiting Saddles
Premium Fly Tying Feathers - The greatest selection of Whiting Dry Fly Rooster Hackle, Soft Hackle Hen Hackle, Stramer Capes, Salt Water and Steelhead Hackle available on the web
Whiting Farms Story - Whiting Farms
Whiting Farms, Inc has the best selection of dry fly, wet fly and saltwater hackle for the best tying creations. The ultimate dry fly cape or saddle! The Whiting line has the stiffest, most dense …
Whiting Farms Genetic Saddle Hackle at J. Stockard
Whiting Farms, the primary hackle producer for fly tying, provides a wide selection of genetic hackle, saddle hackle, and feathers at J. Stockard.
Whiting Gold Grade Full Saddle - The Fly Shack Fly Fishing
Whiting Dry Fly Cape Features. Extremely flexible quills. These feathers wrap wonderfully. Very high barb density means that you can fully hackle a fly with less turns of hackle. Consistent …
Whiting Hackle - Dakota Angler & Outfitter
Hackle from Whiting Farms. Dry Fly Hackle, Hen Capes, Schlappen, and Coq de Leon. Feathers for tying dry flies, streamers, wet flies, warmwater, and saltwater flies.
Whiting Dry Fly Hackle, Capes, Saddles and more
Whether you are shopping for Whiting dry fly hackle, Whiting dry fly capes or saddles, we have over 1,000 Whiting capes and saddles in stock across several different Whiting brands and in …
Whiting Farms Hackle and Feathers - Little River Outfitters
Whiting Farms is the industry leader in genetic fly tying hackle. Whiting has long produced some of the finest rooster hackle in the industry. They also produce extremely high quality hen …
Shop Whiting Hackle Colors both Capes and Saddles - JimsFlyCo
Select from hundreds of in stock Whiting hackle colors in both capes and saddles. We offer a huge selection of Whiting Pro Grade , Whiting Bronze Grade , Whiting Silver Grade , and …
Amazon.com: Whiting Farms Hackle
50 Pieces - Natural Tone Thick Short Whiting Farm Rooster Hair Extension Wholesale Feathers (Bulk) Craft Supply | Moonlight Feather