White-headed Duck - eBird
Remarkable odd-looking diving duck with a long tail, often held cocked. Males have a striking white face and black crown that contrasts with their large blue bill and chestnut body. Female and juveniles have a darker brown bill, more extensive dark crown and pale cheek stripe, similar to …
White-headed Steamer-Duck - eBird
Large, flightless sea duck of the coast of Chubut and Santa Cruz provinces of SE Argentina. From Flying Steamer Duck by White-headed’s pale head, large size, and massive bill. Spends most of time near shore foraging for molluscs and crustaceans by diving.
White-headed Duck - eBird
Los machos tienen una llamativa cabeza blanca con capirote negro que contrasta con el abultado pico azul y el plumaje marrón del cuerpo. Hembras y jóvenes presentan el pico marrón oscuro, y tienen mayor extensión del color oscuro del capirote con una línea clara en las mejillas respecto a los machos. Es muy parecida a Ruddy Duck.
White-winged Duck - eBird
Extensive white wing patches most noticeable when the bird is in flight. Inhabits quiet, secluded forest waterways. Retreats into undisturbed recesses of these waterways outside of dawn and dusk.
White-faced Whistling-Duck - eBird
Striking duck with black-and-white head, rufous breast, and barred flanks. Like all whistling-ducks, long neck and legs give it a gooselike appearance. Found in freshwater marshes, lakes, and rice fields.
White-headed Steamer-Duck - eBird
Pato marino grande, no volador, presente en la costa de las provincias de Chubut y Santa Cruz al sudeste de Argentina. Se diferencia de Flying Steamer-Duck (Tachyeres patachonicus) por su cabeza pálida, su gran tamaño y su enorme pico. Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo cerca de la costa, buceando en busca de moluscos y crustáceos.
Ruddy x White-headed Duck (hybrid) - eBird
Learn about Ruddy x White-headed Duck (hybrid): explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
Paradise Shelduck - eBird
Large, colorful duck, endemic to New Zealand. Sexes told apart by head color; male has a black head with slight green iridescence, female has a white head and upper neck. Note the large white wing patch on the outer wing of both sexes in flight. Widely distributed throughout New Zealand.
Black-headed Duck - eBird
An uncommon and easily overlooked small duck of lakes and wetlands, usually with surrounding reeds. Mainly seen singly or in pairs, sometimes in small groups, and at times sleeping with Lake Ducks. Note the long and low profile in the water and the long gray bill with a …
Checklist for China - eBird
Mallard x Indian Spot-billed Duck (hybrid) Mallard x Eastern Spot-billed Duck (hybrid) Mallard/Eastern Spot-billed Duck. Northern Pintail. Mallard x Northern Pintail (hybrid) ... White-headed Munia. Lonchura sp. Pin-tailed Parrotfinch. Red Avadavat. Indigobirds and Whydahs. Eastern Paradise-Whydah. Accentors. Alpine Accentor. Altai Accentor.