Origin of the word "whee" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Mar 25, 2020 · What is the origin of the word whee, used as an interjection to express enjoyment or delight? The only information I can find is that it is "natural exclamation" first recorded in the …
How do you spell 'hoo-wee!' - English Language & Usage Stack …
Dec 6, 2024 · Following up on Joe Blow's suggestion in a comment above, I also found Google Books matches for hoohee, hoo-whee (and hoowhee), whohee, whoohee, whoowhee, …
What is the origin and history of the word "motherf---er"?
Most fortuitously for you, just a couple of days ago I stumbled upon a book that answers this and most any question one might have on the word fuck and its multitudinous derivatives — …
Where does the period go when using parentheses?
Jul 7, 2012 · Where should the period go when using parentheses? For example: In sentence one, I use this example (which has a parenthesis at the end.) Should the period be inside, or …
What does "what for" mean and where did it come from?"
Apr 2, 2014 · What did you do that for? The alphadictionary post is plausible, but like so many colloquial expressions finding their way into writing, we may never know the primary source. It …
sort ordering - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Nov 18, 2014 · You can call them abecedarian words. Abecedarian is an adjective meaning "being arranged alphabetically". It comes from the Latin abecedarius, which means …
When "etc." is at the end of a phrase, do you place a period after it?
Jan 10, 2011 · If etc. occurs at the end of a sentence, then you do not add another period. It's all about apples, oranges, bananas, etc. However, if etc. occurs at the end of a clause, you can …
Origins and meaning of "Put your money where your mouth is"
Sep 28, 2014 · Origin of the Phrase According to Christine Ammer, The Facts on File Dictionary of Clichés, second edition (2006), the phrase has been around in the United States since …
commas - Is “month year” or “month, year” the more common …
A great many style guides address the question of whether or not to separate the month and year with a comma in phrases of the type "January[,] 2018"—and yet, to my surprise, a search of …
Correct use of lie or lay in the following context
Jul 30, 2014 · I based my final year project around web technologies where my strengths lie. OR I based my final year project around web technologies where my strengths lay.