Ocean Acidification - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2021年2月9日 · The Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act: H.R. 4174. June 5, 2008—Scott Doney, Senior Scientist Written testimony presented to the Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, United States House of Representatives. Effects of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification on Living Marine Resources
Ocean Acidification – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Ocean acidification is no big deal, right? WHOI’s Jennie Rheuban discusses the very real phenomenon of an increasingly acidic ocean and the toll it’s taking on marine life. How the Ocean Works
Ocean acidification is no big deal, right?
2022年9月19日 · Ocean water has a pH of 8, so it is slightly alkaline, or basic. But that argument misses the point. Acidification refers to how the pH has changed over time: ocean water has gotten more acidic over the past 200 years, dropping by about 0.1 pH units since the start of the Industrial Revolution. That doesn’t sound like much, until you consider ...
FAQs about Ocean Acidification - Woods Hole Oceanographic …
Ocean acidification reduces the CO 2 difference between the inside and outside an animal's body, thereby hindering CO 2 removal and causing “respiratory acidosis.” (This term is analogous to “ocean acidification” because normal bodily fluids are slightly basic.) Respiratory acidosis may lead to, among other things, reduced metabolism ...
The name “ocean acidification” (continued) Is ocean acidification just another name for climate change? No. While ocean acidification and climate change share a common cause (increases in CO 2 in the atmosphere), climate change encompasses the effects associated with changes in the Earth’s heat budget (due to the greenhouse effect of CO 2 and
Ocean Acidification: A Risky Shell Game - WHOI
2009年12月4日 · Excess CO 2 dissolves into the ocean and is converted to corrosive carbonic acid, a process known as “ocean acidification.” At the same time, the CO 2 also supplies carbon that combines with calcium already dissolved in seawater to provide the main ingredient for shells—calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ), the same material found in chalk and ...
Ocean Chemistry - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Ocean Acidification. Ocean acidification is a reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period of time, caused primarily by an increase of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide in Seawater; FAQs about Ocean Acidification; The pH Scale
Scientists Pinpoint How Ocean Acidification Weakens Coral Reefs
2018年1月29日 · The researchers note that ocean acidification is not happening in isolation and that other changes such as ocean warming will also affect coral growth. “Our next step is to expand our model to incorporate the effects of multiple stressors on corals’ skeletal growth,” said Weifu Guo, a geochemist at WHOI and the study’s lead investigator.
Ocean acidification gets a watchful eye in New England …
Ocean acidification stems from a variety of factors, including rising CO 2 levels in the atmosphere and ocean, nutrient pollution from septic systems, wastewater treatment plants and fertilizer use, and freshwater input from rivers. These variables cause pH level in the ocean to decline—either directly or indirectly—which sours the seawater ...
The Oceans Feel Impacts from Acid Rain - Woods Hole …
2008年4月15日 · Ocean acidification is already a concern because excess carbon dioxide from fossil fuels produces the same effects. Though carbon dioxide remains the dominating factor, “no one has really addressed the role of acid rain and nitrogen,” Doney said.