Types of Plants-Herbs, Shrubs, Trees, Climbers, and Creepers
2018年7月17日 · For example – Short plants have greenish, soft, and tender stems, while big and tall plants or trees have a thick, strong and woody stems which are hard to break. Explore …
Biology Of Plants - Parts Of Plants, Diagram And Functions - BYJU'S
Plants are one of the most essential living organisms on earth. They are immensely beneficial to both animals and human beings. They produce oxygen which is crucial for the survival of living …
The Classification Of Plants - Annuals, Biennials and Perennials
The evergreen plants are plants that retain leaves at all times (all year round). Woody plants can also be grouped as deciduous or evergreen. Deciduous plants are seasonal plants which shed …
How Are Plants Important to Humans - BYJU'S
Plants and Industries. Besides food and medicines, plants and trees play an essential role in industries. Many raw materials are obtained by plants and giant trees used to produce various …
Explore The Major Difference Between C3 And C4 Plants - BYJU'S
C 4 plants are plants which cycle carbon dioxide to 4-carbon sugar compounds in order to enter the C 3 or the Calvin cycle. The C 4 plants are very productive in climatic conditions that are …
Asexual Reproduction In Plants- Types and Methods - BYJU'S
Many plants and algae form spores in their life cycle. A spore is an asexual reproductive body, surrounded by a hard protective cover to withstand unfavourable conditions such as high …
Fertilization of Plants, Process of fertilization in plants - BYJU'S
All higher plants reproduce by fertilization. Fertilization in flowering plants was discovered by Ralph B. Strasburger in the year 1884. Let us have a brief discussion on fertilization. What is …
Tropic Movements In Plants- Different Types of Tropic Movements …
When plants grow in response to certain chemicals, this type of response is known as chemotropism. Few examples of chemotropic movements are the conversion of a flower into …
Difference between Annual, Biennial, and Perennial Plants - BYJU'S
Annual Plants: Biennial Plants: Perennial Plants: Definition: Annual plants complete their life cycle in one growing season. Biennial plants are planted in one year, grow through the year, grow …
Respiration In Plants - Respiration in Roots, Stem and in Leaves.
Plants take part in respiration all through their life as the plant cell needs the energy to survive, however, plants breathe differently, through a process known as Cellular respiration. In this …