wger Workout Manager - Features
Join wger, the community-driven free and open-source fitness tracker. Get Started
wger Workout Manager - Funciones
wger está financiado y creado por la comunidad de código abierto: gente como tú traduciendo, añadiendo ejercicios e información nutricional, desarrollando y mucho más. No utilizamos …
About us - wger.de
Thank you for using wger! wger is a collaborative open source project, made by fitness enthusiasts from around the world. Have a problem or idea? Get in touch if something didn't …
wger Workout Manager - Funktionen
wger wird von der Open-Source-Community finanziert und erstellt: Menschen wie du übersetzen, fügen Übungen und Nährwertangaben hinzu, entwickeln und vieles mehr. Wir schalten keine …
wger Workout Manager - Особености
wger is funded and created by the open-source community: people like you translating, adding exercises and nutritional info, developing, and more. We don't use ads, don't sell your …
REST API - wger.de
Documentation. The API is documented with openAPI: Browsable API; Redoc; Swagger UI; Download openAPI 3 schema file; Authentication. Public endpoints, such as the list of …
REST API - wger
Documentation. The API is documented with openAPI: Browsable API; Redoc; Swagger UI; Download openAPI 3 schema file; Authentication. Public endpoints, such as the list of …
wger Workout Manager - Fonctionnalités
wger is funded and created by the open-source community: people like you translating, adding exercises and nutritional info, developing, and more. We don't use ads, don't sell your …
Sobre nosotros - wger
¡Gracias por usar wger! wger es un proyecto colaborativo de código abierto, hecho por entusiastas del fitness de todo el mundo. ¿Tiene un problema o una idea? Ponte en contacto …
wger Workout Manager - Funciones
wger ofrece una API abierta que puedes utilizar para tu aplicación. Crea tu propia versión ¡El código fuente está disponible bajo la licencia GNU AGPLv3!