Wenatchee, WA | Home
City of Wenatchee, WA | 301 Yakima Street | 509.888.6200 | Hours 8 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government
Government - Wenatchee, WA
City of Wenatchee, WA | 301 Yakima Street | 509.888.6200 | Hours 8 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government
City Information - Wenatchee, WA
City of Wenatchee, WA | 301 Yakima Street | 509.888.6200 | Hours 8 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government
Utility Billing - Wenatchee, WA
The City of Wenatchee Utility Customer Service Department bills water, sewer and storm drain services. Office hours are 8:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday, except holidays. You may contact the Utility Billing Customer Service Department: In person: City Hall, 301 Yakima Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801. By phone: (509) 888-3600
Paying Your Utility Bill | Wenatchee, WA
The City of Wenatchee offers the following convenient payment options: Payment in person: City Hall, located at 301 Yakima Street, Wenatchee; Payments by mail: City of Wenatchee, PO Box 519, Wenatchee, WA 98807; Payments using your …
Find My Way Around City Hall - Wenatchee, WA
All meetings are held at Wenatchee City Hall, located at 301 Yakima Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Work sessions are reserved for the education of the City Council members by either city staff or community organizations and no formal action is taken. The contact number for City Hall is (509) 888-6200.
Wenatchee City Council
The Wenatchee City Council consists of seven members (representing five districts and two-at large positions) who have been elected by the residents of Wenatchee to serve staggered terms. To find the representative for a district please refer to the district map.
Wenatchee, WA - Utilities
Welcome to City of Wenatchee online Utilities service. This service allows utilities customers to check account balances, pay bills, view transaction history, and examine usage information.
Employment Opportunities - Wenatchee, WA
Thank you for your interest in employment with the City of Wenatchee. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The City of Wenatchee is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, committed to recruiting and retaining a highly qualified and inclusive work force.
Planning - Wenatchee, WA
Current Planning staff implements many of the City's development regulations and provides multiple services which include: - Zoning - Shorelines - Historic Preservation - Subdivision - Addressing - Pre-development Meeting Services