Anyone have a success story with breaking up and getting back
We broke up when we first started dating then got back together after 6 months, just naturally fell back together after no contact all that time. Then we've been, atleast I thought, great until last Christmas due to so many things but really just stemmed from insecurities, unresolved issues from break up that was 4 years ago and we sucked at ...
AITA for telling my ex’s family why we broke up? : r/AITAH - Reddit
NTA, but his reaction is not unexpected, he really should have not lied to his parents, he didn't have to tell them specifics, he could have just said "we broke up, we wanted different things" (you wanted monogamy he wanted to fuck around), and his parents likely wouldn't have known anything more, instead he lied, said you two were hanging out ...
For those who ended in good terms, how is it going? : r/BreakUps
After we initially broke up we did a period of no contact for I think six weeks just to give ourselves space from each other and after that I decided to remain no contact. There was a moment maybe a year after we broke up that we spoke again for about a week but I came to my senses lol.
People who had to break up but still love each other and ... - Reddit
2023年10月20日 · One of my closest friends is also one of my exes. We broke up and stopped talking with the promise we'll become friends later. And a year and a half with no contact, then boom, friends again. There was no fighting, no sexual tension, just the easiness of being with each other. Definitely wouldn't have worked if we kept talking though.
What's your "we broke up and I'm happier now" story? : …
Oddly enough, we broke up around our anniversary which would've marked our 8th year together. I knew it was time when neither of us remembered it until after the breakup. Edit to say: I'm being alone on purpose because I have a lot to work on. I now have a sense of freedom and I'm starting to regain feelings of self-worth I forgot I had.
My ex slept with someone a week after we broke up… - Reddit
We broke up 2 weeks ago after 6.5 happy years and a few months of her mental health / self-esteem plumetting (we had a rough year after a family bereavement on my part). There's a guy she's friends with that I know has it in for me, definitely wants to fuck her, but she maintains is just a …
Anyone break up and never talk again? : r/BreakUps - Reddit
In my situation we broke up and I reached out one or twice within a month of the breakup, but I never heard back. It really stung and I have too much pride to keep reaching out. But every time I hear about guys running back to their ex it makes me feel pretty shit.
To all dumpers: did you regret breaking up? : r/BreakUps - Reddit
We broke up because I was young and stupid. I met her when I was 22. If I met her now, she’d have my last name before the end of the year. I reached out months later, I’m thinking 8 or so, and she let me down very gently. She loved me still, and said I was her soulmate, but she couldn’t forgive me and couldn’t take me back.
Learning To Cope from Break-Ups - Reddit
Anyways, we are both in our 20s and go to the same college. We have a class together 2 times a week, so I will still be seeing her no matter what. After we broke up, I asked if we could still sit together and she said yes. We talked a bit then, but that was a week ago. She’s since gone almost full NC so I’ve been giving her space.
Would you take back your ex if they slept with someone else
Like if I was the one who messed up and we broke up and then I found a rebound then I wouldn’t if I were her. But since it’s the reason that I stated above that is was my partners fault for the breakup and I was just trying to find someone to move on (and by move on I mean just something casual, not a relationship) with to forget about her ...