'We're talkin' about practice:' The little-known story behind Allen ...
2020年5月7日 · PHILADELPHIA -- Eighteen years ago, Allen Iverson sat in front of the media covering his Philadelphia 76ers and said the word "practice" 22 times. The now-legendary rant encapsulated Iverson for...
The little-known story behind Allen Iverson's 'practice' rant
2021年5月7日 · Like most things associated with Iverson, the real story behind the practice rant is darker and more complicated than is often remembered.
Allen Iverson – "Practice" Press Conference - Genius
2002年5月3日 · We're talking about practice. I know I'm supposed to be there, I know I'm supposed to lead by example, I know that. And I'm not shoving it aside like it don't mean anything.
Allen Iverson practice rant video: Look back on an iconic press ...
2020年5月7日 · Allen Iverson went on his famous "we talking about practice" rant in a press conference on May 7, 2002. Four days after the Philadelphia 76ers fell to the Boston Celtics in the first round...
We're Still Talkin' About Practice!: Timeline of references to Allen ...
2017年5月5日 · We're talking about practice?! Fifteen years ago, Allen Iverson sparked a million sound bites—and inspired quite a few rap verses, as well. A look back at the many references to Iverson's...
Allen Iverson's 'We talkin' 'bout practice' rant was 15 years ago
2017年5月5日 · Fifteen years ago Sunday, Allen Iverson unleashed his famous rant about how little practicing with the 76ers mattered to him at that moment. Here's the transcript of Iverson's remarks at an...
The little-known story behind Allen Iverson's 'practice' rant
2020年12月10日 · We talking about practice, man." Some were amused, and others watched the trainwreck unfold -- knowing from experience that Iverson was drunk. "He was lit," said [Philadelphia Daily News' John] Smallwood, who attended the conference.
Allen Iverson’s ‘We talkin’ ‘bout practice’ rant was 20 years ago
2017年5月5日 · On May 7, 2002, Allen Iverson dropped his famous rant about how little practicing with the 76ers mattered to him at that moment. It came in response to a question from Neil Hartman, the longtime former host and reporter for Comcast SportsNet (now …
15th anniversary of Allen Iverson's practice rant
2017年5月7日 · We talkin' about practice. Not a game, not a, not a, not the game that I go out there and die for, and play every game like it's my last. Not the game. We talkin' bout practice, man.
Allen Iverson's 'practice' rant: 10 years later - ESPN
2012年5月7日 · “I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice.” Now Iverson reiterates his claim that practice is being...