clustering - K-means: Why minimizing WCSS is maximizing …
From a conceptual and algorithmic standpoint, I understand how K-means works. However, from a mathematical standpoint, I don't understand why minimizing the WCSS (within-cluster sums …
kMeans - acceptable value for WCSS - Cross Validated
$\begingroup$ chl: to answer briefly your questions - yes, i used it (kmeans of weka) on the same data set. firstly and secondly, with all 21 attributes - different k arguments 'of course' -> bad …
What does minimising the loss function mean in k-means clustering?
Sep 17, 2020 · The centroids are then updated after the points are all assigned, and points are re-assigned again. The algorithm continues to iterate until the clusters do not change anymore. …
clustering - Why is the k-means algorithm minimizing the within …
I have read that the k-means algorithm tries to minimize the within cluster sum of squares (or variance). With some brainstorming, a question popped up. Why is it that k-means or any …
r - What should be the ideal number of clusters for the plot whose ...
Jan 20, 2016 · Furthermore, WCSS is expected to decrease with the number of clusters. Even just assigning a single point to a new cluster obvioudly decreases WCSS, but foes not yield a …
r - Comparison of k-means clustering output - Cross Validated
Mar 4, 2013 · Hence when I give k=2, the output perfect matches with R's. In fact, the output is perfect for k=3 and k=4 too (I use 'nstart' to get the best output). But for k=5 and above, the …
clustering k-means spark-mllib - Cross Validated
Aug 2, 2018 · Never compare WCSS across different data versions or data sets. It's trivial to see that scaling all attributes by a factor of 2 does not affect the clustering, but changes the WCSS …
What do you do when there's no elbow point for kmeans clustering
Mar 12, 2014 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
clustering data-mining k-means gaussian-mixture-distribution
coincidentally minimize squared Euclidean distance, because WCSS (within-cluster sum of squares) variance contribution = squared euclidean distance; coincidentally assign objects to …
How to find the optimal number of clusters for spectral clustering ...
Oct 23, 2017 · Now that you've figured out what WCSS is visually, you'll see that the WCSS is high at the beginning and you'll notice it drop substantially and then after a while, it will still …