Whole brain radiotherapy for brain metastasis - PMC - PubMed …
Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) is a mainstay of treatment in patients with both identifiable brain metastases and prophylaxis for microscopic disease. The use of WBRT has decreased somewhat in recent years due to both advances in radiation ...
What is Whole Brain Radiation Therapy? - Brainlab.org
WBRT is just what it sounds like—giving radiation to the entire brain, even to healthy tissue. In WBRT, both the healthy brain cells and cancer cells receive X-Ray radiation, but the amount of radiation dose that can be given is limited by the potential side effects experienced by the patient.
Whole brain radiotherapy - Wikipedia
Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) is a treatment option for patients with brain metastases. In WBRT, radiation therapy is administered broadly, to the whole brain, over multiple treatments. [1]
【综述】全脑放疗治疗脑转移瘤的与立体定向放射治疗脑转移瘤的 …
全脑放疗 (WBRT)有多种潜在的副作用,包括神经认知能力减退。 回避海马的WBRT联合美金刚(memantine)是一种减少治疗副作用的新方法。 立体定向放射外科 (SRS)在总生存率方面的非劣效性(noninferiority)以及其改善的副作用是局限性脑转移患者首选SRS而非WBRT的主要原因。 放射性坏死和软脑膜疾病播散不常见,但发生在SRS的背景下,取决于疾病的大小、位置和组织学。 术前安排放射治疗和/或使用多分割放射治疗可以降低这些不良结果的发生率。 在未来, …
2023年10月6日 · 全脑放疗(wbrt)是脑转移最为基础的放疗方式。对于多发脑转移患者(通常指病灶数>3),wbrt可以使中位生存期延长至3~6个月,并有10%~15%的患者生存时间超过1年。wbrt使约60%颅内肿瘤退缩,并改善了患者的神经系统症状及预后。 wbrt最常用的分割形式为30gy/10f。
肺癌系列之脑转移瘤放射治疗 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1. WBRT: WBRT 是脑转移瘤的主要局部治疗手段之一,可以缓解肺癌脑转移患者的神经系统症状、改善肿瘤局部控制情况。 WBRT 对颅内亚临床病灶有一定的控制作用,但因其受正常脑组织的剂量限制,难以…
The Cognitive Effects of Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases
Whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT) is a treatment modality that has been used since the 1950s for patients with brain metastases (14). It is commonly delivered to a total dose of 30 Gy over 10 sessions. Clinicians traditionally favored WBRT due to its efficacy in providing palliation and ability to target unknown microscopic intracranial disease.
3. The Role of Whole Brain Radiation Therapy in Adults with Newly ...
Whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) has long been a standard treatment for patients with brain metastases. Based on preclinical and observational data, some physicians alter dose fractionation or withhold WBRT, based on tumor histology.
Whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) alone versus WBRT and …
Historically, whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) has been the main treatment for brain metastases. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) delivers high‐dose focused radiation and is being increasingly utilized to treat brain metastases. The benefit of adding SRS to WBRT is unclear.
Whole Brain Radiotherapy - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) refers to serial treatments of the entire brain with high energy rays to a total dose range of 30–55Gy (using standard fractionation or accelerated hyperfractionation). From: Cancer Treatment Reviews, 2006