What Does Water Off a Duck’s Back Mean? - Writing Explained
If you have ever observed a duck, you may have noticed that no matter how often the duck dives under the water, it comes back up looking quite dry. This is because duck feathers are coated in special oil that repels water.
Meaning of (like) water off a duck's back in English - Cambridge …
(LIKE) WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK definition: 1. criticisms of or warnings to a particular person that have no effect on that person: 2…. Learn more.
Like water off a duck's back - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Readily and without apparent effect. For example, The scathing reviews rolled off him like water off a duck's back. This expression alludes to the fact that duck feathers shed water. [Early 1800s]
(like) water off a duck's back - Merriam-Webster
2023年2月22日 · The meaning of (LIKE) WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK is having no effect on someone. How to use (like) water off a duck's back in a sentence.
Understanding the Idiom: "like water off a duck's back"
The idiom “like water off a duck’s back” is commonly used in situations where someone has been criticized or insulted but chooses not to let it affect them. It can also be used when referring to situations where advice or warnings have been given but ignored.
Definition of 'like water off a duck's back' - Collins Online …
LIKE WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK definition: without effect | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Water off a Duck’s Back - Meaning, Usage & Examples - Two …
2024年7月5日 · The phrase “Water off a duck’s back” means that something negative, like a criticism or insult, does not affect or bother a person at all. It suggests that just as water does not stick to a duck but rolls off, the person remains unaffected by negative comments or actions.
‘like water off a duck’s back’: meaning and origin
2024年10月9日 · The phrase like water off (also from) a duck’s back means: with no effect or reaction. This phrase occurs, for example, in Peace at last for Saddam look-alike George, by Karl Connor, published in the Sunderland Echo (Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, England) of Thursday 18th December 2003 [page 7, column 2]:
Meaning of be (like) water off a duck's back - Cambridge …
BE (LIKE) WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK definition: If criticisms, insults, etc are like water off a duck's back to you, they do not affect you at all: . Learn more.
water off a duck's back - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年8月12日 · Something potentially harmful or hurtful, such as criticism or insult, that nevertheless has no effect or impact on the target. She's always going on at him about something, but to him it's all water off a duck's back. Often in the expression like water off a duck's back.