Water’s role in global migration | UN-Water
2022年1月3日 · There are more than 1 billion migrants in the world today – and water deficits are linked to 10% of the rise in global migration. The World Bank’s recently-released flagship publication on water shows that it is a lack of water, rather than too much, that has a greater impact on migration.
Migration and Water | Environmental Migration Portal
2023年8月17日 · The intensification of water challenges and resulting migration flows have created a strong impetus to integrate migration policy concerns into water governance at the global level. As part of its mandate on migration, environment and climate change, IOM has been examining the nexus between migration and water governance and exploring potential ...
Going With The Flow: Water’s Role in Global Migration
2021年8月23日 · There are more than 1 billion migrants in the world today – and water deficits are linked to 10% of the rise in global migration. The World Bank’s just-released flagship publication on water shows that it is a lack of water, rather than …
Ebb and Flow: Water, Migration, and Development
Climate change is accelerating the global water crisis: 17 countries that are home to 25% of the world population already face extremely higher levels of water stress. The absence of water has a greater impact on migration than an abundance of water.
Lack of Water Linked to 10 Percent of the Rise in Global ...
2021年8月23日 · As climate change accelerates a global water crisis, rainfall variability is expected to be one of the contributing forces in migration, according to a new World Bank report released today.
Increasingly, resear-chers and policymakers are seeking to explain migration and refugee flows in terms of water scarcity – often perpetuated by climate change. We argue for caution and deeper analysis, and not to look for ”easy” answers to complicated questions.
Ebb and Flow, Volume 1 : Water, Migration, and Development ...
Migration shapes the lives of those who move and transforms the geographies and economies of their points of departure and destinations alike. The water sector, and the .