Everything you need to build complete games without being overwhelming. Get creative within 160x160 pixels and 4 colors.
Introduction - WASM-4
WASM-4 is a low-level fantasy game console for building small games with WebAssembly. Game cartridges (ROMs) are small, self-contained .wasm files that can be built with any programming language that compiles to WebAssembly.
Setup - WASM-4
To compile WASM-4 cartridges written in Penne you will need a Penne compiler and a wasm-compatible version of clang. The easiest way is to download the WASI SDK and set the $WASI_SDK_PATH environment variable.
Play - WASM-4
WASM-4 Play Learn Blog Community. Search K. Newest Games. Games and experiments built by users. + Add Your Game. Hero of the Woods v3. BigRobCoder. Lad 2024. YAMAMOTO Takashi. Untangle. ... Win 4 Fighter (W4F) Kris Dabrowski. Glowfish Chess. Analog Hors. Shieldshooter. Marcus Ramse. ZxZ. Ścisław Dercz. Lingword. Jonathan Derque. Totally not ...
Hello World - WASM-4
The first line imports the WASM-4 API definitions. This is a stub source file included with all projects that describes which functions are available. One of those functions is rect() , which we use to draw a 32x32 rectangle at position (10, 10).
Multiplayer - WASM-4
WASM-4 supports realtime multiplayer of up to 4 players, either locally or online. Detecting gamepad input for Player 2 is the same as usual, but instead of GAMEPAD1 , you read from GAMEPAD2 . For Players 3 and 4, GAMEPAD3 and GAMEPAD4 .
Community - WASM-4
Here are WASM-4's goals for the future: Grow and support a friendly open source community. First-class support for new languages: Swift, Ruby, C#. Port the C runtime to low end handheld devices. Support importing and playing music from Beepbox and other tools. Credits# WASM-4 was started by Bruno Garcia.
Setup Your Project - WASM-4
Before you can begin, you need a project to work with. The CLI-Tool of WASM-4 includes templates for several programming languages like AssemblyScript, C, Go and Rust. More languages are sure to come in the future.
Publish Your Game - WASM-4
WASM-4 and its website are stored in a Git-Repo (short for Repository) hosted on GitHub. To publish your game, you need a GitHub Account. If you don't have one already, create one .
User Input - WASM-4
WASM-4 supports both gamepad and mouse input, but for this tutorial we will only use gamepad input. If the player presses a certain button, you just have to change the values of the "Direction"-Property of your snake.