Flysch - Wikipedia
Flysch (/ f l ɪ ʃ /) is a sequence of sedimentary rock layers that progress from deep-water and turbidity flow deposits to shallow-water shales and sandstones. It is deposited when a deep basin forms rapidly on the continental side of a mountain building episode.
Flysch – Wikipedia
Als Flysch werden in der modernen Geologie Abfolgen mariner klastischer Sedimente bezeichnet, die u. a. durch das Abgleiten von bereits vorher auf dem Kontinentalschelf abgelagerten Ausgangssedimenten über den Kontinentalhang in die Tiefsee entstehen. Dieses Abgleiten erfolgt meist in Form lawinenartiger Trübe- oder Suspensionsströme.
Flysch Formation: Definition, Characteristics – Geology In
The Flysch Formation is defined as a specific type of sedimentary rock sequence characterized by interbedded layers of sandstone, shales (or mudstone), and occasionally conglomerate. Flysch sediments form in deep marine environments along convergent tectonic plate boundaries, especially in foreland basins at the edges of mountain ranges.
Flysch | Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy | Britannica
flysch, sequence of shales rhythmically interbedded with thin, hard, graywacke-like sandstones. The total thickness of such sequences is commonly many thousands of metres, but the individual beds are thin, only a few centimetres to a few metres thick.
What Is Flysch – Flysch Route In Basque Country
Flysch is a type of sedimentary rock. It is formed through the alternating build up of materials. Usually with sandstone, shale and silt. This build up of material over time has led to the unique formation. Flysch forms in medium to deep ocean waters, where the tectonic plates converge in subduction zones.
Flysch Formation - Geology Page
2017年7月1日 · Flysch is a sequence of sedimentary rocks that is deposited in a deep marine facies in the foreland basin of a developing orogen. Flysch is typically deposited during an early stage of the orogenesis.
Flysch: Instabiles Sedimentgestein aus der Kreide
2024年10月23日 · Der Flysch bildet eine meist rhythmisch geschichtete Abfolge verschiedener Sedimentgesteine aus Kalk, Mergel, Sand und Ton. In Bayern tritt er am Alpennordrand als so genannter Rhenodanubischer Flysch in Erscheinung. Die Ablagerung fand während der Kreide in einem Tiefseegraben im Tethysmeer statt.
Flysch - Lexikon der Geographie - Spektrum.de
Flysch, Bezeichnung für marine und brackische Gesteine, die durch rasche Abtragung bei der Hebung von orogenen Schwellen in den angrenzenden Senkungszonen erzeugt wurden und somit Gebirgsbildungsphasen der regionalen Erdgeschichte kennzeichnen.
Flysch - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Flysch refers to a type of sedimentary rock formation consisting of mixed terrigenous siliciclastic and calcareous sediments deposited as deepwater turbidites in a proto-trench along continental margins, indicating the initiation of convergence and subduction in geological processes.
Flysch - term, characteristics, weathering...... I Geotech doo I
Flysch is a term for sedimentary rock sequence, deposited in a deep basin formed on the continental edge of mountain mass. Flysch sequence is characteri z ed by progressive deposition of deep-water turbidite sediments up to shallow-water …
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