HIV Clinic at Ward 86 | HIV, ID & Global Medicine
At Ward 86, we recognize the special medical and social needs of women and families in our community who are infected with and affected by HIV. We offer programs and services designed for women, including clinic hours for female and transgender (male to female) patients.
HIV Care & Prevention - Zuckerberg San Francisco General
HIV/AIDS Clinic (Ward 86) Appointments; HIV/AIDS Clinic (Ward 86) Urgent Care Drop-Ins
Ward 86 is an internationally recognized global leader in HIV clinical care, research, and education. One of the San Francisco Health Network’s 14 neighborhood clinics, Ward 86 is located at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) campus and provides integrated primary and specialty care for patients living
Ward 86 | AIDS Research Institute
Today, Ward 86 serves as the largest clinic in the San Francisco Health Network exclusively serving HIV-infected patients and a world-renowned center of HIV clinical expertise, teaching and research.
Clinic Location and Hours | HIV, ID & Global Medicine
Ward 86 is located on the main campus of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital at the corner of Potrero Avenue and 22nd Street in San Francisco’s Mission District. The clinic is on the 6th Floor of Building 80, but entrance to the building is through Building 90 on 22nd street.
SFGH's Ward 86: Pioneering HIV/AIDS Care for 30 Years
2011年6月7日 · San Francisco General Hospital's internationally renowned Ward 86, one of the oldest and largest HIV/AIDS clinics in the United States, has from the start of the epidemic led efforts to understand HIV and develop treatments that make it …
Ward 86 at 40: Shaping HIV Care Around the World
2023年1月25日 · Ward 86 hosted dozens of clinical trials, including those that helped develop early treatments like AZT, and the later combination therapies that proved so effective in stopping and even reversing the ravages of AIDS, as well as preventing its transmission.
The San Francisco model of AIDS care - Wikipedia
The San Francisco model of AIDS care began in 1983 in wards 86 and 5B of San Francisco General Hospital. The focus of this model was not only on the health of each patient with AIDS , but also on the well-being of each person.
Ward 86 shares clinical considerations and recommendations for …
Ward 86, established in January 1983, is a large HIV clinic based at San Francisco General Hospital at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Ward 86 serves a publicly-insured and underinsured population of people with HIV and those at …
Clinical Care | HIV, ID & Global Medicine
The UCSF Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases & Global Medicine operates two specialized clinics at Zuckerberg San Francisco General, located in the Mission District of San Francisco: the HIV Clinic at Ward 86 and the Infectious Diseases (ID) Clinic.