WALS Online - Home
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors.
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World Atlas of Language Structures - Wikipedia
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials. [1] It was first published by Oxford University Press as a book with CD-ROM in 2005, and was released as the second edition on the Internet in April 2008.
SPSS表中的B值,OR值、Wald值各自代表什么含义?三者大小有联 …
Wald用于对B值进行检验,考察B值是否等于0。 若B值等于0,其对应的OR【Exp (B)】为1,表明两组没有显著差异。 OR等于B值的反 自然对数。 Wald值越大,B值越不可能等于0。 S.E.是标准误,表示估计值的平均误差.wals是一个统计量,用检验 自变量 对因变量是否有影响的.它越大,或者说它对应的sig越小,则影响越显著.df是 自由度,在分析中不用解释. 实践应用中,关键的是解释系数B,或者后面的Exp (B),称为OR.还有sig,其它的可以不管. SPSS表中的B值,OR值、Wald值各自代 …
Weighted-Average Least Squares for linear regression models
Performs model averaging for linear regression models using the Weighted-Average Least Squares method by Magnus et al. (2010). See also De Luca and Magnus (2011), Kumar and Magnus (2013) and Magnus and De Luca (2016). wals(x, ...) formula, data, subset = NULL, na.action = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, prior = weibull(), model = TRUE,
WALS Online - Languages - World Atlas of Language Structures
Search a languoid by name. Matching names are formatted in bold font for languages, in italics for genera and underlined for families. This search does also take alternative names into account. …
WALS Online - Features
A feature is a structural property of language that describes one aspect of cross-linguistic diversity. A WALS feature has between 2 and 28 different values, shown by different colours on the maps. Most features correspond straightforwardly to chapters, but some chapters are about multiple features.
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Jun 28, 2024 · y帽表示优化这个回归方程,y也是预测的概率,使用y帽这个函数是为了使最后的值范围在0~1之间; L是损失函数,他表示我们的预测值与真实值的接近程度,作用类似于方差; 我们就是利用反向推到求出w,b
Currently WALS is providing resources to ALS clinics throughout North America including consensus clinical management papers. We strive to connect ALS healthcare providers across different clinics and different focuses.
Aula virtual jwals.net
Esta aula virtual se encontrará permanentemente en construcción y servirá para apoyar a los estudiantes del Profesor Jorge E. Wals y de algunos colegas. Aquí también se podrá descargar el software Picte en su última versión.