WAGEN | translate German to English - Cambridge Dictionary
WAGEN translate: to dare, to venture, to risk, to dare, cart, car, car, dare, hazard, venture, wagon, (also waggon…. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.
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Our wide range of parts cater for all major vehicle brands in Southern Africa. Supported by the largest warehouse of its kind in Gauteng South Africa, Goldwagen has a geographic footprint …
English translation of 'wagen' - Collins Online Dictionary
English Translation of “WAGEN” | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases.
VW.com | Official Home of Volkswagen Cars & SUVs
Explore the latest Volkswagen vehicle models, discover exclusive offers, stay updated with the latest information, and check out pricing details.
wagen translation in English | German-English dictionary - Reverso
wagen translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Wagen, wägen, hierher wagen, Schützenpanzer(wagen)', examples, definition, conjugation
German-English translation for "wagen" - Langenscheidt
Translation for 'wagen' using the free German-English dictionary by LANGENSCHEIDT -– with examples, synonyms and pronunciation.
Conjugation of German verb wagen - Netzverb Dictionary
The conjugation of the verb wagen (venture, dare) is regular. Basic forms are wagt, wagte and hat gewagt. The auxiliary verb of wagen is haben. Verb wagen can be used reflexivly. The flection …
Wagen - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ German Dictionary - leo.org
Learn the translation for ‘Wagen’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions …
Wagen Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft Duden
Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Wagen' ️ Auf Duden online nachschlagen ️ Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.
What does wagen mean in German? - WordHippo
Need to translate "wagen" from German? Here are 3 possible meanings.
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