液氢 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
儲存液態氫的鋼瓶. 液氢(LH 2 ),也称液态氢,是由氢气经由降温而得到的液体。 液态氢须要保存在非常低的温度下(大约在20.268开尔文,-252.8℃) [a] 。 它通常被作为火箭发射的燃料。. 液态氢可作为储存氢气的一种方式,因为液态氢比气态氢省空间。
Liquid hydrogen - Wikipedia
Liquid hydrogen (H 2 (l)) is the liquid state of the element hydrogen.Hydrogen is found naturally in the molecular H 2 form. [4]To exist as a liquid, H 2 must be cooled below its critical point of 33 K.However, for it to be in a fully liquid state at atmospheric pressure, H 2 needs to be cooled to 20.28 K (−252.87 °C; −423.17 °F). [5] A common method of obtaining liquid hydrogen involves ...
• LO2/LH2 2. nd. and 3. rd. Stages • 850,000 Gallon LH2 Storage • 10,000 GPM max flowrate • 900,000 Gallon LO2 Storage • 10,000 GPM max flowrate • At the time, the largest Cryogenic Systems in the world. 5. Image Credit: NASA Image Gallery
Study of fuel systems for LH2-fueled subsonic transport …
Study of fuel systems for LH2-fueled subsonic transport aircraftVolume 2. Final report, September 1976--December 1977 Final report, September 1976--December 1977 Technical Report · Sat Jul 01 00:00:00 EDT 1978
LH2 Era™ blog: The Coming of Age for Liquid Hydrogen Systems: …
The second stage held 260,000 US gallons (984 000 liters) of LH2; the third stage had 66,770 US gallons (252 750 liters) of LH2 onboard. The Space Shuttle stored its hydrogen in the enormous brownish-orange External Tank (ET) recognized by anyone who watched a launch live or on video. Loaded into the ET for every shuttle launch was 390,000 US ...
Deliverable 6.1 –Handbook of hydrogen safety: Chapter on LH2 safety. Pre-normative REsearch for Safe use of Liquid Hydrogen (PRESLHY). 2. J. E. Hall, P. Hooker, D. Willoughby. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 38: 20547-20553. European Hydrogen Train the Trainer Programme for Responders Liquefied hydrogen (LH 2)
LH/sub 2/ airport requirements study. Final report, Sep 1975--Feb …
A preliminary assessment of the facilities and equipment which will be required at a representative airport is provided so liquid hydrogen LH2 can be used as fuel in long range transport aircraft in 1995-2000. A complete facility was conceptually designed, sized to meet the projected air traffic requirement. The facility includes the liquefaction plant, LH2, storage capability, and LH2 fuel ...
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
Results are presented for an experimental investigation of self-pressurization and thermal stratification of a 4.89 cu m liquid hydrogen (LH2) storage tank subjected to low heat flux (0.35, 2.0, and 3.5 W/sq m) under normal gravity conditions. Tests were performed at fill levels of 83 to 84 percent (by volume). The LH2 tank was representative of …
Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) - Rocket Reference
LH2. Despite criticism and early technical failures, the taming of liquid hydrogen proved to be one of NASA’s most significant technical accomplishments. . . . Hydrogen — a light and extremely powerful rocket propellant — has the lowest molecular weight of any known substance and burns with extreme intensity (5,500°F). In combination ...
LH2 Boiloff Rate and Hold Time Subscale Dewar-Tank took 1,259 min (~21 hrs) to boiloff 7 liters Average boiloff rate ~ 0.33 L/ hr or ~6.3e-6 kg/s Average 2.8 W of heat load (92% from top plate) LH2 pressure Anticipate ~90 days for 19kg LH2 Dewar-Tank to boil dry Approximately 1% per day boiloff LH2 at tangent No LH2 Remaining Subscale Unit