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Objecting to a WSIB decision; Employer account operations decision; Review of claim file; Formal appeal; Representation; Appeal is registered; The oral hearing; Withdrawals; Appeals decision; Disagreeing with a decision of the ARO; Appeals: Common definitions; Small business. Small business; Benefits and programs; Health and safety. Health and ...
Online services - WSIB
Are you looking to register your business for WSIB coverage? Get started now. See our FAQs to learn more about online services.
Online services: Businesses - WSIB
Are you looking to register your business for WSIB coverage? Get started now. See our FAQs to learn more about online services.
Services en ligne - WSIB
Inscrire votre entreprise à la protection de la WSIB; Effectuer votre rapprochement en ligne; Déclarer une exposition; Soumettre des documents d'indemnisation; Mettre à jour votre adresse; Accéder rapidement aux certificats de décharge
Contact us - WSIB
If you suspect anyone involved with the WSIB (person, business, representatives, supplier or health care practitioner) isn't dealing honestly with us, you can use our toll-free action line at 1-888-SI-LEADS (1-888-745-3237), Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. or email us at [email protected] or contact us confidentially through our website.
Submit documents - WSIB
You can still submit account-related documents if you’re an independent operator or need to complete your WSIB registration. To submit an account-related document without an account number: Log in to your online services account. If you don’t have an account, sign up.
Login-WSIB Online services
Are you registering your business for WSIB coverage? Sign up for an online account first and then complete your registration.
Login-WSIB Online services
Are you registering your business for WSIB coverage? Sign up for an online account first and then complete your registration. People with an injury or illness can log in to:
Accueil | WSIB
Devez-vous vous inscrire auprès de la WSIB? Renseignements dont vous avez besoin pour inscrire votre entreprise; Manuel de la classification des employeurs (MCE) Exploitantes indépendantes et exploitants indépendants; Foire aux questions concernant l’inscription; Nouvelles entreprises : Ce que vous devez savoir
Appeals - WSIB
The mission of the WSIB’s Appeals Services Division is to consider and reach final resolutions to worker/survivor claims and employer account appeals. Resolutions shall be consistent with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) and WSIB policy, and shall be timely, transparent and fair in dealing with appeals from both workers and ...