Washington State Department of Transportation
The official home page for WSDOT. Take a look at how we keep people, businesses and the economy moving by operating and improving the state's transportation systems.
Travel | WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation
Prepare for your trip on our roads, ferries, rail, public transit, or taking off from a local airport. Get real-time alerts, live cameras, current travel times, and bridge and road restrictions for your route.
Washington State Ferries | WSDOT
View sailing schedules, buy your tickets online, or save a spot for your vehicle on certain routes.
Roads & bridges | WSDOT
Find details regarding HOV lanes, toll roads, updates for mountain passes and what you need to know in advance for travel around the state.
Construction & planning | WSDOT - Washington State …
Dive into WSDOT-related budget and financial information, including facts on transportation budgets, financial planning, forecasting, and financial reports and presentations.
Search projects | WSDOT
Between summer 2022 and 2023, WSDOT's contractor, Granite Construction Company, began work on a pilot program to rehabilitate the concrete decks of several bridges throughout …
Toll roads, bridges & tunnels | WSDOT
Learn about express toll lanes, bridges and tunnels in Washington state, and how to save money on every toll with a Good To Go! account.
Contacts | WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation
Find a listing of WSDOT tribal liaison contacts and contact information for offices at each federally and non-federally recognized tribe.
Employment | WSDOT - Washington State Department of …
As a new WSDOT employee, learn all about our agency, find the forms and trainings you need to complete once you've joined our team.
Good To Go! accounts & passes | WSDOT
Using a Good To Go! account is the best way to pay tolls in Washington.Good To Go! accounts save you money on every toll road in the state and give you the convenience of automatic …