World Resources Institute
WRI is a trusted partner for change. Using research-based approaches, we work globally and in focus countries to meet people’s essential needs; to protect and restore nature; and to stabilize the climate and build more resilient communities.
About WRI - World Resources Institute
WRI is a global nonprofit organization that works to research, design, and carry out practical solutions that simultaneously improve people’s lives and ensure nature can thrive.
Our Approach - World Resources Institute
That’s why WRI puts three interconnected goals at the center of everything we do: ensure people are living in an equitable society where they can meet their essential needs; protect and restore nature; and stabilize the climate and build resilient communities.
Research - World Resources Institute
6 days ago · The foundation of WRI’s work is producing high-quality research, including reports, issue briefs, working papers, guidebooks and more. Our publications are subject to peer review and held to academic standards of excellence for objectivity, rigor and quality.
Data - World Resources Institute
WRI produces data sets, data platforms and data-based tools, which we make freely available through our open data commitment. WRI’s Data Lab uses advances in data and technology to help our researchers improve lives, protect nature and ensure just transitions.
Mission & Values - World Resources Institute
WRI’s mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth’s environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.
Sustainability at WRI - World Resources Institute
Reducing emissions requires having clear goals to work toward. Since 2010, WRI has conducted a full value-chain GHG inventory and committed to science-based targets. By 2030, WRI commits the following reductions from a 2019 baseline: 46% reduction in emissions from purchased electricity (Scope 2)
WRI Africa - World Resources Institute
WRI has been working in Africa for more than 30 years toward a more sustainable society that can meet people’s essential needs, protect and restore nature and stabilize the climate. Our vision for Africa is an inclusive transformation so Africa’s people and landscapes flourish.
WRI Europe - World Resources Institute
WRI Europe is a pivotal hub for sustainable action on the continent. We engage with national and local policymakers, business leaders, nonprofits, donors and other stakeholders to help drive impactful action on the world's most urgent climate and development issues.
WRI India - World Resources Institute
Jul 31, 2024 · WRI India works closely with leaders to turn big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. Our work can be viewed through two critical lenses — Urban Development and Climate — with four associated programs driving on-ground transformative change.