Common Alerting Protocol | World Meteorological Organization
The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a standardized message format designed for all media, all hazards, and all communication channels. That is, a universal format for emergency alerts, ensuring critical information reaches everyone.
Common Alerting Protocol - World Meteorological Organization
The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is an international standard format for emergency alerting and public warning. It is designed for "all-hazards", related to weather events, earthquakes, …
CAP provides a "standard business form" for alerting, designed for any media, to communicate information about any kind of hazard situation. The message can be targeted to: the general public; designated groups such as civic authorities or responders; or to specific individuals.
CAP Jump-Start Offer - World Meteorological Organization
CAP is an international standard format for emergency alerting and public warning. It is designed for "all-hazards", related to weather events, earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, public health, power outages, and many other emergencies. CAP is also designed for.
Improved public alerting in situations of potential disaster is a key objective of the CAP standard. Regardless of the type of hazard situation, authorities should have the information they need to quickly warn people at risk, using all available communications media.
Course: Common Alerting Protocol: CAP Basics | ETRP Moodle Site
This course provides an overview of CAP: the benefits for using it; the technology behind it; examples of tools for issuing CAP alerts; and examples of CAP-based alert hubs.
SWIC3.0 - CAP Warnings - World Meteorological Organization
A Core Component of the WMO Global Multi-hazard Alert System (GMAS) Framework Supporting UN Early Warnings for All Initiative