ZB vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were Czechoslovakian light machine guns that saw extensive use during World War II. The Zb 30 and Zb 30J were the later versions of the famous Czechoslovak …
ZB30輕機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZB30是著名的捷克式 ZB-26 機槍的後期版本。 ZB30有一些設計差異,使它類似於後來的ZGB-33,即 布倫輕機槍 早期原型。 1938年納粹德國吞併捷克後,採用了捷克式ZB-30機槍,將其 …
二战前捷克斯科达的万能大炮——VZ30型76.5毫米野战炮和100毫 …
这两型火炮在德军中的编号为7.65-cm FK 30(t)和10-cm leFH 30(t)榴弹炮,广泛部署于一线战场到大西洋壁垒,不管在哪里,它们都是性能出色的武器,防空作战除外。
VZ30型火炮介绍:捷克76.5mm及100mm炮威力解析 - 百度贴吧
VZ30式100毫米榴弹炮在斯科达内部编号为H1型榴弹炮,1934年伊朗军队订购了248门H1榴弹炮和大量的弹药。 整个合同于1937年完成,伊朗军队命名M30式100毫米榴弹炮。 伊朗军队使 …
Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) - Military Factory
2019年5月10日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) including pictures.
Vz. 30 Flare Pistol - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The vz. 30 was a signal pistol produced in Czechoslovakia by CZ for military use. Manufacture was halted by the outbreak of World War II with just over 24,000 having been produced, and …
ZB vz. 30 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The ZB vz. 30 was licensed built in Romania during World War II and was used after the war by the Patriotic Guards. The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were the later versions of the famous …
Czechoslovakian vz.30 – Steel Helmets of the World Wars
2022年5月13日 · General Information: The Czechoslovakian vz.30 was produced for export and mainly used by Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War, particularly the International …
8 cm kanon vz. 30 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 8 cm kanon vz. 30 (Cannon model 30) was a Czech field gun used in the Second World War. Guns captured after the German invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 were taken into …
Czechoslovak LK vz. 30 machine gun and the beginnings of CZUB
2021年5月17日 · In total 6,484 LK vz.30 machineguns were made in both iterations, with at least 3,480 pieces produced in Uherský Brod between 1936 and 1941. From today’s perspective, it …