Discussion - VvV - Reward list overhaul/changes - TrueUO.com
2021年8月27日 · Making VvV battles/town control farming potentially more rewarding/lucrative. If this happens the time between battles could be slightly increased from what it is now. With the opening up of VvV potions being usable by anyone the intent was to possibly create a "farmable" consumable item that only VvV players could obtain but anyone could use.
Looking for feedback/improvements on enhanced greater Tokuno …
2024年6月29日 · Rune Beetle Carapace - Just a slight upgrade over RBC from VvV, which isn't much better than regular rbc anyway. Just some more resistances is all we got there. If you want to make it usefull (i doubt its ever gonna be but lets try) we have to add some more mods since resists are no longer difficult to assemble.
Poll - Should VvV once again be restricted to Felucca?
2020年9月17日 · Should VvV once again be restricted to Felucca? Yes Votes: 9 40.9% No
Expired Promotion Heritage 8th Year Anniversary Raffle - trueuo.com
2023年12月14日 · Briefly serving as the ServUO test shard, the ServUO versions of the pet training revamp, vendor search, VvV, and so much more were all originally tested and coded on Heritage. Heritage is still going strong today with plans to expand and even offer some custom expansions in the not-too-distant future.
FIXED Its Still possible to ride War Ostard Outside VvV
2020年9月6日 · Address play.trueuo.com Port 2593 Uptime 14 hours Players Online 5 Houses 847 Vendors 301 Gold 4,892,884,772gp
VvV Ideas | TrueUO.com
2018年10月19日 · Here we can discuss ideas to improve Vice vs Virtue system. I’ll write down some of the reasonable ideas we discussed in Discord. Any ideas will be updated on the main post. 1. VvV active on all facets, not just Felucca. 2. Heavy reduction on points gained when battle is uncontested. The idea...
NEWS No Stat Loss from VvV/PvP Combat - Temporary 60 Day …
2021年5月20日 · Address play.trueuo.com Port 2593 Uptime 17 hours Players Online 6 Houses 848 Vendors 305 Gold 4,904,634,327gp
FIXED VvV CrossHeal - trueuo.com
2020年8月4日 · ON OSI: VvV Players can Heal/Res players who are not in their own guild that ARE VvV ON HERITAGE: You cannot heal/Res another VvV member of another guild. Simple test, get on VvV and just try to heal with two people in VvV if you want to see for proof.
PATCH LOG JANUARY 2018 - Patch Log - trueuo.com
2018年1月29日 · Heritage Custom Change Removed Royal Forged Pardons from the VvV silver vendor. These are despised on real UO because it allows people to murder on real UO and then simply join VvV to use them and wipe all counts. Being a Red will have consequences on Heritage. Regular Forged Pardons will...
FIXED VvV Restart Timer - trueuo.com
2017年10月17日 · FIXED VvV Restart Timer. Thread starter xG00BERx; Start date Oct 17, 2017; xG00BERx Journeyman III. Supporter.